Friday, 31 May 2019

Contact Form – Garment Solution

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Thanks for your inquiry!\u00a0Please click below to schedule a call:<\/p>\r\n


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Thursday, 30 May 2019

test page

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Contact Form – Garment Solution 2

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Monday, 27 May 2019

What are the Custom Duties when Importing Clothes from Asia?

Understanding custom duties is the most complicated part of a clothes importing business due to the fact each country has a different set of rules, regulations and fees which you need to know of. If you aren’t knowledgeable with custom duties then chances are, your clothing products will not get through the customs office and could be held hostage by the country where you are about to import clothes. This problem could be detrimental to your company and may affect your business’ financial flow.

When working with clothing manufacturers in China, you need to be aware of custom duties so you can apply the rates and work on necessary papers once you start importing to certain countries. Here are vital information any importer needs to know on custom duties for importing clothes to usual countries being imported to:

1. USA

All import clothes are charged with custom duties if they are valued at $200 and above. The duty rate for regular clothing products is at 16.5% while this number could be a bit more expensive for authentic clothing which are made of wool and fur such as coats and jackets. The US do not have VAT which means you cannot expect additional taxes aside from custom duties. However, they have the Federal Excise Tax charged on luxury products and fortunately, it does not cover clothing and garments.

All imported products to the US are subject to Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) which is based on the value of the order and is divided into a couple of categories:

  1. Imported products with value less than $2500: MPF tax is at $2, $6 or $9 per shipment depending on the type of product/s.
  2. Imported products with value $2500 or more: MPF tax is 0.3464% of total value.

(Minimum MPF: $25, Maximum MPF: $485)

The MPF tax is almost negligible when it comes to import clothes and garments since they only accumulate for a small amount with this type of product.

For import clothes transported by sea, Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF) is applied as a custom duty but much like the MPF, the tax value is close to negligible since the current rate is only 0.125% of the product value.

All custom duties and tariffs with clothes in the US are calculated based on the Free on Board (FOB) value of the import clothes which covers the following factors;

  • Product cost
  • Transportation cost (from Port of Loading in China)
  • Export clearance (China)

2. European Union

The European Union is an economic group consisting of 28 states all located within Europe. All of these states follow the same custom duties for importing clothes coming from non-European Union countries. In this scenario, tariffs with clothes will only take its toll once and are no longer added to the prices of the import clothes once they enter European Union territory. Clothing products which are not manufactured in Europe have low customs charges and are usually even as low as 0% for standard garments.

However, the EU is strict with products belonging under industries which are strengths of the EU. For example, garments like bags and shoes have customs duties of 10%-12% since EU countries are known producers of such garments. Furthermore, most countries have VAT rates applied to import products as well which includes clothing. But the VAT rate is often reduced to a minimum and is added to the customs duty which makes it close to negligible. It is only for goods above a certain value of around 10-22 euros so that it doesn’t apply to small quantity deliveries or prototype manufacturing when samples are sent.

All custom duties and tariffs in EU are calculated based on the Cost Insurance Freight (CIF) value of the import clothes which covers the following factors:

  • Product price
  • Shipping fees and logistics costs
  • Product development expenses
  • Insurance
  • Tooling fees

The custom duties and tariffs in EU do not cover the following expenses;

  • Sourcing fees
  • Transportation costs (from Port of Loading in China)
  • Port of Destination costs
  • Bill of Lading’s declared value

3. Canada

Canada has arguably the most complex custom duties and tariff system because there are 3 different sales taxes to monitor aside from the import duties.

  1. Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  2. Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
  3. Provincial Sales Tax (PST)

At least one of the sales taxes apply in Canadian states but none of the states cover all three sales taxes. These sales taxes are charged based on the location of the importer instead of import clothes’ origin.

Alberta: GST only

Ontario: HST only

Prince Edward Island: GST & PST

4. Australia

Australia has a fairly cheaper custom duties and tariffs compared to the US and EU mainly because it is a smaller market with an isolated geographical location. Regular import clothing products are charged at 10% while authentic garments can be charged with a slightly higher custom tax. Products from China also get to enjoy a minimum threshold since products valued up to AU$1000 are exempted from custom duties, tariff rates and Import Processing Charge.

The lone relevant custom tax in AU is known as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which currently sits at 10% and is added on top of the customs value of the products, transportation and insurance fees. On the other hand, the Import Processing Charge (IPC) only applies if the total value of the import clothing is more than AU$1000 and is dependent on the following factors;

  • Mode of transportation (air or sea freight)
  • Customs value (import clothing valued from AU$1000-AU$10,000 and clothing products exceeding AU$10,000)

(Minimum IPC: AU$40, Maximum IPC: AU$50)

All custom duties and tariffs with clothes in the US are calculated based on the Free on Board (FOB) value of the import clothes which covers the following factors;

  • Product cost
  • Transportation cost (from Port of Loading in China)
  • Export clearance (China)

Anti-Dumping Duties

China has provided specific industries and domestic manufacturers with subsidies which means these relevant Chinese manufacturers can sell their products below the standard market value for a price dump. Other countries such as the US and EU do not agree with these privilege resulting to anti-Dumping custom duties. They target these Chinese manufacturers and may sometimes cover an entire industry. Affected manufacturers should be avoided form the beginning for the product development process.

As a clothing manufacturer, you must be wary of anti-dumping custom duties since they could charge you for as much as 40%-60% more expensive than your average custom duties for importing clothes. If you are involved with a domestic manufacturer or supplier covered by anti-dumping duties, then might as well consider working with different partners to avoid the anti-dumping custom duties.

Are Custom Duties for Importing Clothes Refundable?

Custom duties and tariff rates are never refundable in all type of imported products and not only in import clothing. This is the reason why manufacturers include customs charges as a factor to product costing. This is also evident when purchasing branded clothes which are made in China, some import clothing products are more expensive when bought in the US compared to Australia. It is because the customs charges are taking its toll.

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The Secret to Finding Your Clothing Sample Manufacturer

The manufacturer tasked to create your clothing samples does not have to be the one who will do the mass production of your items. There are factories who specialize in creating clothing samples but aren’t built for big quantity production. This situation can be very tricky since most of the time, clothing lines settle with their sample manufacturer as their final clothing manufacturer.

Let us keep in mind there is a different set of qualifications for sample manufacturers and wholesale manufacturers even though they are both related to each other. Your clothing sample maker should understand your product vision, pays attention to details and will charge accordingly for sampling. The product manufacturers are focused on the production line and their efficiency since they are producing large batches. Clothing sample manufacturers are more detail-oriented which is crucial when sampling.

How to Assess Clothing Sample Makers?

The best way to assess clothing sample manufacturers is to first determine their strength/s. For example, if they are good at pleating then note it down or if they are excellent at braiding and shades, then list them down as part of their pros. The next step is to find out their flaws and weaknesses. You do not have to include aspects wherein they are average at but simply list down things in which they are bad at. The clothing manufacturing companies that do mass production might also be an option if you don’t want to iterate too many samples and don’t want to try different sizing options.

Last but not the least, list down their respective fees for creating clothing samples. You don’t have to choose the clothing sample maker which charges the cheapest because you have to weigh all of the pros and cons along with their service fee to come up with your choice. You also have to think of the clothing style you are creating a sample for and assess whether your potential clothing sample maker is suitable for the job.

Questions to Ask Your Potential Clothing Sample Maker

1. Ask for a sample of their past work.

This is a direct evidence of their work quality and will help you assess their sampling service if they are as good as they claim to be. If they ever collaborated with other clothing sample makers for the product, then you deserve to know of the collaborators as well.

2. Who are their current and past clients?

Their client roster is also a good way to distinguish their level of reputation in the clothing industry. Big named clients should be someone to watch out for in their client list.

3. What are the materials they use?

Cotton clothing should be a given with clothing sample manufacturers but are they skilled in dealing with materials like wool or silk? You should be aware of the different materials they are skilled working with.

4. Ask for an estimated quote for your request.

This will help you check if they are additional charges aside from their professional fee. There are clothing prototype makers who attract customers based on their low service fee but have numerous additional charges which catches clients off-guard.

5. What are their payment terms?

Do they allow installment payments wherein you pay half of the amount upon order then pay the other half upon completion? There are different payment terms with clothing prototype makers, make sure the manufacturer you choose have terms which works for you.

6. What is the average sampling lead time?

You need sampling lead time information for you to know how fast they work and how long it takes for them to finish your fashion sample. The sampling lead time would also be critical for your choice to go with them as your clothing sample manufacturer.

Other Sampling Info You Need to Know of

Sampling costs vary depending on the type of clothing you want to get sampled. Coats and jackets are obviously more expensive compared to a regular shirt or dress. The materials needed for the clothing samples will also have a direct effect on the quote. You need to be considerate of these factors once you see the initial quote of your potential clothing prototype maker.

You should also remember the sampling process is not a one-time thing. You may get lucky if the clothing sample manufacturer gets the job done in their first try. Usually, it takes two or even three sampling attempts before they achieve the desired sample. Revisions are part of the process. They are neither a setback nor disadvantage but it would be helpful if your clothing sample manufacturer gets the job done in a try or two.

The location of the clothing sample manufacturer’s company is also a factor to their pricing. If they are located in the city proper, you can expect them to charge at a higher rate compared to clothing sample manufacturers located in the rural areas. This is pretty understandable given their rental fees and other costing components which are factors to their service fee. Let’s take China as an example. Most clothing lines ask sampling from clothing sample makers located in Guangdong instead of Beijing because of the huge disparity in terms of prices due to specialisation.

Always ask for the clothing sample pattern your clothing prototype maker used for the clothing samples. You will need the same exact clothing sample pattern for mass production later on. You don’t have to pay anything extra for this request as it is considered to be part of their service as your clothing sample maker. Asking for the clothing sample pattern will make the transition from sampling on to production easier most especially if you work with different clothing manufacturers for each process.

Clothing Sample vs. Final Product

Once you find your clothing sample manufacturer, it would be a big dilemma whether you hire them for mass production of your clothing products. Are they capable of producing the same quality when it comes to large quantities? A lot of clothing sample manufacturers assume they are right away given the production project after tasking them to do fashion samples for you. However, it would still be your choice to assess whether they are qualified to your standards or not.

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Sunday, 26 May 2019

How to Start a Clothing Line: 7 Cost Factors you should Know

How to start a clothing company is a regular question which can easily be answered if you type those exact words in the internet these days. However, if you dig deeper and go a bit more technical by trying to know costing factors and scaling of a clothing company then the expected answers would be scarce. In this wiki guide, we will give you a thorough costing guide on how to start a clothing company. Here are the determining factors when starting a clothing line.

Costing Factors to Consider when Starting a Clothing Line

1. Manufacturing costs

This is the main costing factor in which the bigger part of your capital will be spent on. Manufacturing cost is the central focus of your business plan and this could dictate the size of your business along with your target market. First off, there are sub-factors to consider from the general factor which is the manufacturing cost.

2. Quantity

Manufacturing cost decreases as order quantity increases and this applies in all of manufacturing, not only in garment or apparel manufacturing. Factories always charge lower when you are ordering in large quantities. If you are planning to print 50 shirts then you would obviously save a lot of money off of manufacturing cost if you decide to increase the quantity to 500 pieces. While some custom clothing manufacturers can still realize such small quantities, the economics of scale are still not as good.

However, the quantity you would like to produce is also crucial to the outcome of your business which is why it is important to consider the number tightly as part of your business plan.

3. Location

Manufacturing cost will largely depend on your manufacturing location because of the labor fees involved which is different for each country. When it comes to small production manufacturing, this would not be much of a factor. But for large scale manufacturers, it is a major consideration. This is also the reason why countries like China, Taiwan and Philippines are manufacturing-friendly compared to the US and other European countries. Product development consulting and product design consultancy still commonly take place in Western countries.

It is advisable to start a clothing line in phases to determine whether you are suitable to move up in terms of quality and scale. For DIY clothing businesses, the following sub-factors aren’t relevant but could be major considerations when moving up.

4. Material costs

The costs of raw materials you will use for your clothing business is a major costing factor. Expenses for materials such as fabric, packaging, labels etc. should be summed up for the materials cost.

5. Marketing costs

A lot of businesses take advantage of social media as a form of free marketing since it will not cost you anything to sign up for social media accounts. However, if you want your clothing brand to compete with other established brands out there then you have to spend money for your marketing schemes. Allot a few dollars for ads be it online or traditional ones. You can also give out shirt samples to a few friends and target customers to spread awareness of your brand.

No matter how you advertise yourself, shell out some money for your marketing campaign and do not simply rely on free marketing which the internet can provide. Spending on marketing is a necessary thing to do on how to start a clothing business.

6. Designing costs

Your shirt designs are a crucial factor when starting a clothing line. This serves as the backbone of your products. A lot of people simply purchase shirts because of its print and only bother about the garment quality or comfort later. This does not mean you have to compensate quality and comfort for design, but it only goes to show you need to spend for your designs to sell your products.

If you have graphic design skills and do all of your shirt designs personally, then you would not have to pay for professional graphic designers or garment product design agencies to do it for you. But in the long run, you cannot do it alone and you will eventually need the help of other graphic designers for a helping hand. Designing costs is inevitable when starting a clothing line.

7. Licensing or business permit

Registering your business is a must to legalize your business operation. There would definitely be some expenses involved in processing the business permit and as well as pay for taxes involved when starting a clothing business. You must have a budget for the license acquisition and not allow this to become a hindrance on how to start a clothing company.

8. Labor costs

No one will advise you to become a one man wrecking crew on how to start a clothing company. You need to have a staff working with you including third-party individuals who will be part of your operations. Pay these employees for their worth to expect quality work from them. Employees who are underpaid are the ones who will not work up to the right level expected out of them.

9. Start a website

E-commerce is already the way to go for any form of businesses these days. The mileage and reach the internet can give is its biggest advantage as it allows you to have customers which are beyond your store location. If you are starting a clothing line, might as well consider to start a clothing business online. Building a website will not cost you a fortune and with the availability of online stores like Amazon or eBay then it will be more convenient to connect with them for your clothing business.


The costs of starting a clothing line depends on the scale and business size you are planning. For small batch clothing production, you can already jump start with $500. If you are thinking of a medium sized clothing company then $1,500 up to $5,000 should be sufficient enough.

However, if you are thinking of a major clothing business then $20,000 to $50,000 is a perfect investment amount. These numbers could vary depending on the costing factors involved but they generally give you an idea of the amount you need to prepare when starting a clothing business.

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Thursday, 9 May 2019

How to Comply with Clothing Label Requirements

A lot of garment businesses get derailed simply because they weren’t able to comply with clothing label requirements. Clothing labeling is usually a minor concern for startup clothing brands because they are often focused on production and quality of their products. They are only caught off-guard once the customs refuse to accept their clothing products. Major garment companies rarely have issues with apparel labeling requirements since they have lawyers to deal with this issue.

This article is perfect for startup clothing brands looking to export their garments to other countries but aren’t educated with clothing label requirements. Each country has their own set of apparel labeling requirements but we will discuss the most common ones imposed out there. There are only slight differences from one country to another but this article will provide you the general gist for clothing label requirements.

Identification for Textile Fiber Products

Custom garment labels are always required to be visible and the label must be durable enough to withstand production and distribution process to make sure it remains intact when it reaches the customer. Custom garment labels must contain information such as brand and country of origin.

For products which come in a package, the custom garment label must be printed on the package. For garments with a neckline, the label must be found on either the back of the neck or any area within the neckline up to the shoulder seam. Other necessary information such as manufacturer info and fiber content can be printed on the opposite side of the label.

Wool Products Labeling

If your clothing material contains any wool whether it is pure or recycled, then there are specific labeling requirements need to be followed for this type of garment. These garments are still covered by the regular textile fiber product requirements with some added specifications. Here are the additional information the custom garment label must contain;

First, there should be a breakdown in percentages by weight of the fibers used for the garment most especially highlighting the amount of wool used. The materials listed should at least compose 5% of the clothing’s total weight. Second, the total weight in percentage of all the non-fibrous material contained in the clothing or garment. Other details are manufacturer info along with their registered identification number (RN) and the country of origin where the product was manufactured or processed.

Fur Products Labeling

Another material commonly pinpointed for specific clothing label requirements is wool. The use of animal fur whether in clothing or any other products is subject to a guide of compliance requirements due to the availability of fake fur. The need for labeling is important so consumers are not mislead whether they are purchasing authentic or fake fur.

Some of the most common fur apparel labeling requirements include common name of the animal used for the fur material. The manufacturing company is also required to note whether the fur is dyed, bleached or processed for coloring. Additional note whether the fur is authentic, damaged or recycled is also required. Lastly, the country where the fur was acquired should be included in the label.

Not all types of fur need labeling since fur acquired from hunting is exempted from the rule. Purchase of fur from a merchant who is not really into the fur business or manufacturing industry is also safe from fur labeling laws.

However, keep in mind there are endangered species protected by laws which make them illegal for hunting. Acquiring fur out of these endangered animals will indirectly subject you to violation of such animal protection laws.


Then again, penalties for violation of clothing label requirements vary from one country to another. Manufacturing giants such as US and China are much more strict and firm on their clothing label requirements implementation since they are watched closely in the industry. Most manufacturing companies working in these countries play it safe and make sure they comply such apparel labeling requirements.

Civil penalties for clothing label requirements could range from $5,000 up to $15,000 depending on the severity of the violation. Other penalties may even be punishable by imprisonment with bail. Some countries may impose less severe penalties but it can always be assured violation of the labeling requirements will cost business money.

The Care Label

The US started to implement an additional labeling rule known as the “Care Labeling Rule” which is an custom care label applied to textile products worn on the body. This custom care label helps consumers with information on how to take care of these products. Garments such as gloves, socks and hats are exempted from this rule.

Usual info found on custom care labels are proper ways to wash the product whether it should be dry cleaned or can be washed in the washing machine. Other info such as ways to avoid discoloration and color bleeds can also be found in custom care labels.

Chart of Labeling Requirements per Country

Here is a summarized chart of textiles and apparel labeling requirement per country to help you vary the international standards of labeling. This chart may not cover all aspects of labeling categories but gives a brief overview of what to expect when it comes to labeling for the listed countries.

(For Angelica, insert chart of labeling requirements by country)


Compliance of clothing label requirements is essential for your manufacturing business if you really want to push establishing your clothing label. It is not advisable to not consider apparel labeling requirements even if your business is only for short term. You would not want to have a run-in with law enforcers in case you achieve instant success.

Failure to comply clothing label requirements can be a ground for the government to rebuke your permit or disallow you from acquiring a business permit. Proper labeling is an integral part of the clothing and apparel manufacturing process. It is not an option which you can take or not. It needs to be implemented in all clothing and apparel manufacturing businesses to keep things legal and legit.

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Monday, 6 May 2019

How to Achieve Perfect Custom Clothing Packaging: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

Custom clothing packaging used to be a no big deal because people will simply get rid of the package once they acquire the product. Due to the emergence of e-commerce, gone are the days when the traditional ways of shopping were to buy clothes from a physical store and have them right away once they leave. Custom clothing packaging has become critical since people are now more concerned wherein they should receive the product much like how they saw and purchased them online. Making sure the package is able to secure the product is a big concern.

Clothing packaging is not only about making sure the garment/apparel is safe and intact when carried or delivered to the customer, it also provides a wonderful experience and joy when customers unbox the product then see and feel it for the first time. Aside from this, keep in mind the clothing packaging is what the customer will first see and not the actual product. It is packaging which will actually leave the first impression on the customer and not the product even if it only comes in a custom clothing box.

Things to Avoid in Custom Clothing Packaging

Before we jump on to the right ways of custom clothing packaging, let us first discuss the things to avoid with packaging which annoy customers and give products a negative impression. Getting to know the following is important to solidify your idea of perfect clothing packaging from hereon.

1. Always match your branding with your packaging.

If you present your clothing company as a high end one, then it would be automatic for customers to assume your clothing packaging is fancy and elite since it is what your brand is all about. If your custom clothing packaging is simply a paper wrap then it will be a letdown for customers as their expectations are not met. This will have a significant negative impression towards your brand.

However, if you also do it the other way around wherein you have a low key brand and all of a sudden you present your customers with flamboyant packaging. This might not give a negative impression but people will be weirded out and find it unnecessary. Still, it is bad marketing.

2. Never use damaged packaging.

It is sometimes inevitable custom clothing packaging gets damaged by the courier during the course of travel. However, it will be much worse if your package is already damaged beforehand. The package will look like a mess if it is already damaged plus the additional stress of wear and tear during travel. Always make sure your custom clothing packaging is in good shape before it is sent out for orders.

3. Avoid unnecessary large packaging sizes.

A lot of clothing companies keep uniform custom apparel boxes or packaging for all their products regardless of size. Isn’t it annoying when you buy a small product from a store but it is packaged in a huge cellophane or box because there is no other packaging container for it? This is why you should have various packages for your clothing products suitable for different sizes both for in-store purchases and package deliveries.

Having the Perfect Clothing Packaging

1. Taking advantage of mailbags.

Custom clothing boxes is not the only packaging solution you have most especially with shirts and other small garments. The best way to package these items are through mailbags and mailer envelopes. These packaging solutions are lightweight which can help you save off on freight fees.

Aside from being light, mailbags and mailer envelopes are made out of biodegradable materials which are eco-friendly. Having eco-friendly tags to your package or products is a huge boost because most customers these days acknowledge acts of being nature-friendly.

2. Add presentation details to your clothing packaging.

Whether you are using custom clothing boxes or mailbags, feel free to add presentation details instead of simply having a regular package. These details could add up to the excitement in unboxing garments which is relevant for customer experience. You do not have to overdo this aspect but at least put some effort in presentation instead of simply stuffing the garment inside a regular bag or box.

Another excellent presentation detail you can consider adding to your custom clothing boxes or clothing packaging is a welcome note saying a simple message, then include your social media pages and contacts at the bottom. Other brands prefer to simply give away stickers (printed name of the company or logo) as freebies included with the product in the t-shirt packaging or custom clothing boxes.

3. Always use custom clothing packaging which are reusable.

You would not want to see your packaging constantly trashed every time the customer gets his or her product. What you need, is to have your customer keep your clothing packaging and reuse them in the future for other packaging or container purposes. This is not only about recycling stuff but it is also free advertisement for your company.

Once a customer carry around your package, your brand is displayed wherever the customer goes and you effortlessly raise awareness for your brand. Recyclable clothing packaging is actually free marketing for your company.

It’s a Wrap

Once you consider the aforementioned things to avoid with custom clothing packaging and then you combine it with our tips on how to come up with excellent custom clothing packaging, you can surely come up with something perfect for your garment company. However, feel free to play around and be creative as long as you do not cross the possible mistakes and keep in line with what is necessary.

Keep in mind the customers are the only ones who has the verdict towards your clothing packaging. You should put them into consideration wherein all of the design, functionality and quality of the custom clothing packaging is for them. However, you must also make sure you work around your budget and not overspend on clothing packaging at the expense of your company finances.

The post How to Achieve Perfect Custom Clothing Packaging: 3 Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Thursday, 2 May 2019

How to Do Professional Clothing Mockups

There is no better way to showcase your clothing products other than create clothing mockups. It would also be a huge plus if you are able to pull off clothing mockups in a professional manner. Clothing lines usually take advantage of this process before moving on to production to cut off on expenses and also gather feedback from customers regarding the design.

Clothing mockups are usually included within the tech pack of your product which will make it easier for the manufacturer to understand your design. This is our thorough guide on how to do professional clothing mockups and present your garment/apparel products like any professional clothing line should.

Standard Clothing Mockup Creation

In the garment industry, the only professional approach to clothing mockups is by illustrating a flat 2D model of the product. This model is a visual representation of how the product looks like in real time. The best way to do this is to work with a graphic designer who will do the magic on a design software and create a flat 2D model according to your specifications. Depending on the complexity of the design, professional graphic designers will only take several hours to finish a single mockup design.

The 3D mockup model is also available but the different perspectives it can provide is most of the time unnecessary for garments and apparel which is why the flat 2D model is always the standard for clothing mockups. However, if you feel your product needs a 3D representation then you can opt with the 3D model but do not expect your graphic designer to finish the model in just a few hours. A single 3D mockup model usually takes a day or two because image rendering consumes a lot of time while flat 2D models do not have the need for such rendering time.

Standard clothing mockup creation is a simple task for graphic designers but the biggest downside to this is the amount you are going to pay a professional graphic designer to work for you. Even if you only hire him or her as a freelancer, it will still amount to $100 to $200 depending on the difficulty of the design and the time they should allot for the task. On the other hand, if your company has a budget for this aspect of clothing manufacturing then you are rest assured to have a smooth campaign.

How to Do Clothing Mockups for FREE

Unfortunately, not all clothing lines are staffed with their own graphic designers due to lack of funds or any other staffing priority issues. However, this does not mean it is already impossible for them to create a clothing mockup like a flat 2D model for a product or a shirt mockup front and back. If you happened to be one of those garment manufacturers who do not have any graphic designers staffed under your company then this should be the perfect option for you.

With the help of the internet, we can now create clothing mockups for free. There are tons of websites out there who can provide mockup free download. Given the privilege of this free service, you should not expect highly of your mockup models with the same level of what professional graphic designers can provide. However, it gets the job done regardless and can still be considered as a professional level presentation.

Step-by-Step Guide on Creating Clothing Mockups Online

There are hundreds of apparel mockup template websites in the internet and each have different ways of presenting their mockup free download services. However, it is safe to say the pattern for this type of service is basically the same for most sites and will only differ in terms or a few steps. Here is a step by step guide on how to create free clothing mockups online. Take note these steps are not based on any website but is just a summarized assumption of what most websites do. Also, these websites do not create the design but simply assists on creating the clothing mockup.

  1. The first step is to let you choose a mockup template where you can put your design on. There are different apparel mockup templates available in websites and some of the most common ones are those who have preset backgrounds and there are also others which allows you to isolate the design or still photo with a matching background. Depending on your preference, there will surely be a perfect mockup template to your liking.
  2. The second step is when you upload your design to the website and be placed on the chosen template. This is where the actual work comes in since you will be in charge of customization. You have the freedom to resize, reposition and edit the mockup according to your desired results.
  3. Once everything is ready, you can now download the clothing mockup for free or share it through a unique URL provided by the website. Most websites usually offer the highest resolution possible for the mockup free downloads because manufacturers often require these mockups to come as high resolution images for better clarity.


Creating clothing mockups online is not only an option limited for small clothing businesses and freelance clothing entrepreneurs because even established garment manufacturers have already taken advantage of this option for their clothing mockup needs. Their graphic designers can now solely focus on the design and use the online mockup generator as a tool to automate the process. It provides better efficiency which could speed up the entire tech pack process.

Doing professional clothing mockups is no longer a hard task which only needs experts on the field of graphic design. With the arrival of online clothing mockup websites, the process can now be done by regular people who at least have basic knowledge on designing garments. These clothing mockup websites is indeed a welcome development for the garment industry but at the same time does not take anything away from the opportunities for professional graphic designers. It only provides leverage in the aspect of clothing mockup creation.

The post How to Do Professional Clothing Mockups appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.
