Monday, 30 September 2019

OEM Electronics Manufacturing in 4 Basic Steps

Electronics manufacturing is considered by many as high-tier level manufacturing service. The process of designing, assembly, production and testing of electronic components along with PCBs are complex tasks not all electronics manufacturing companies can perform. An OEM electronics company is the perfect example of a company who does not really engage in the complex world of electronics yet end up with electronic products for them to sell or market. They simply let the factories manufacture products in their behalf and all they have to do is introduce ideas.

There are a variety of electronic manufacturing services and private/white label electronics companies only take advantage a few of these services if they are capable of doing the other aspects of electronics manufacturing. This is also the reason why contract manufacturing companies in the electronics industry is prevalent. More creative designs are a clear trend in electronics manufacturing.

Most OEM electronics manufacturing companies create their electronic product designs then submit these to electronics manufacturers for services such PCB assembly and testing. This way, they only pay for PCB assembly and testing and not pay for the entire electronics manufacturing service package. Aside from the basic services, electronics manufacturers also offer additional services such as PCB etching, board tweaking and redesign etc. However, in ODM electronics, things are much simpler since they just purchase ready-made electronic devices and brand them.

Step 1: Electronics & Product Design

Product design involves open communication between the client and manufacturer. Most of the time, the manufacturer will ask the client/customer for a concept and they work off of it. A lot of back and forth with suggestions and specifications until the final design is created. This occurrence usually happens if the OEM electronics company do not have graphic design skills to create the layout design or 3D model of the product. Some OEM electronics manufacturing companies are usually staffed with graphic designers to take care of design tasks.

Step 2: Prototyping

Once the design is ready, it now enters the product development stage with the main objective of having a product prototype at the end of the line. After noting down all of the details and specifications for the electronic product, the OEM electronics company will work on the project and complete it as conceived. Extensive research and brainstorming will be done before they integrate into actual manufacturing process to keep risks at a minimum and avoid wasting time and money. The product prototype should be a perfect replica of the design template including specs and details.

Step 3: Product Testing

An electronic prototype which serves as the product replica is going to be the tested in its different facets in multiple times. The goal is to ensure the product meets safety precautions and quality standards with its full functionality. Most OEM electronics manufacturing companies have laboratories designed for product testing and failure investigation. The engineers who conduct these tests will also take advantage of these as a research and development process for future electronic designs related to the current model.

Advanced testing procedures include optical inspection which automatically analyze the PCB for issues and defects on the computer. Broken traces, patches, etching issues and improper hole locations are easily detected through automated optical inspection. Another important type of testing process is environmental testing wherein the product is exposed to its intended environment and check if it reacts to the environment’s temperature, humidity, air pressure among other factors to test its durability and resistance.

There are several more testing procedures such as functional testing, in-circuit testing, x-ray testing and a lot more depending on the nature of the product. All of these testing procedures will be performed on the product as part of the quality control program and ensure it is in its top form for mass production.

Step 4: Mass Production

Electronic manufacturing is usually divided on to two major areas with mass production capabilities: PCB manufacturing and electronic product manufacturing.

1. PCB Manufacturing

There are electronics manufacturing companies who specialize in ODM PCB manufacturing but are limited to this specialty alone and are no longer capable of creating the mold, packaging or case of the electronic product. PCB manufacturing is the task which involves the most electronic knowledge since the printed circuit board houses all of the electrical components, circuits and processors. Electronic manufacturing companies who specialize in ODM PCB manufacturing are most likely staffed with electrical engineers and electronics experts. On the other hand, OEM PCBs are mostly done by the companies themselves.

2. Electronics Product Manufacturing

PCB manufacturing is a sub-process of the actual electronics product manufacturing. This is the part wherein the case of the product which houses the PCB itself is created along with other aspects of the product such as aesthetics and functionality. If there are electronics manufacturing companies who specialize in ODM PCB manufacturing alone, there are also companies who only specialize in this area of electronic manufacturing as well.

If you notice in OEM electronics these days, none of them have complete departments to deal with the entirety of the electronic manufacturing process. For startups and mid-sized electronics manufacturers, some aspects of the electronic manufacturing are outsourced to other companies to delegate time and expenses unlike with private label electronic manufacturers who simply purchase ready-made electronic designs.

Specialty Production

Specialized electronics manufacturers can also provide specialty production techniques such as quick turn production, PCB assembly and cabling services. Quick turn production is an instant approach to production aspects like OEM PCB assembly wherein they can assemble the board in 2-3 days upon receiving all of the required electrical components. Cabling services is a special service which focuses exclusively on wires and circuitry.


Electronics manufacturing follows the same manufacturing process such as other product types like garments, plastics and chemicals. The biggest difference are the sub-processes involved in each step which further complicates the entire process due to its specific expertise and knowledge needed for the tasks. The market trend for consumer electronics is still great in the near future.

In the aspect of mass production, PCB manufacturing and the actual electronic product manufacturing are both fields which require different skill sets and expertise. The wide range of skills needed within the OEM and ODM electronic manufacturing line is what makes this industry much more complex compared to the others. Hiring employees who are skilled in all of these departments will be tough to find in a very competitive industry and market.

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Sunday, 29 September 2019

Ninth Garment Letter


Garments 101 Newsletter

Maintaining Timelines Without Jeopardizing Quality


Dear {firstname},

Do you know the problem of having to decide between developing a perfect clothing product and doing it quickly? When you only focus on one aspect, you either jeopardize the quality of the look or your clothes will never get done. This week, we are sharing tips on how you can check the quality of your samples and manage your time for custom clothing manufacturing. These information will help you to get your garments done quickly while still following your unique design idea.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need a quote! Just reply to this email. 

Let us go through different types of samples and explain how this process could impact garment production in ways allowing you to save time and money.
Here is the process that custom clothing manufacturers follow. This will help you assess the actual lead time of custom clothes manufacturing for your business given your specifications and other factors involved.
Want to Make Custom Clothing?
Start Your Brand with Our All-In-One Solution

button CTA 4


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Learn the top brands which American teens love to wear. Insights here might trickle down to the mainstream sooner than you think!






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The post Ninth Garment Letter appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Friday, 27 September 2019

5 Crucial Tips for Importing Wholesale Electronics from Overseas

If your wholesale electronics business has the need to order electronic products from abroad, then you have worries to face such as shipping fees, travel safety and taxes just to name a few. You cannot stay complacent until the electronic products reach your doorstep and this is a normal feeling for most wholesale electronics businesses. Unfortunately, ordering wholesale electronics from abroad is a tricky process. Aside from the risks and unavoidable errors, you really need to learn the ins and outs of it and not simply get acquainted to it.

We have decided to compile the five best tips we can give you when ordering wholesale electronics from abroad. This wiki article aims to enlighten newbies to the wholesale electronics game particularly when ordering or sending electronic products in and out of the country. This article will give you tips and tricks you should note of once you start doing wholesale electronics and having products from abroad. Despite of the increasing competition, there are still many successful people out there.

Tips to Remember When Ordering Electronic Products

1. Enclose Lithium-ion batteries on a separate package.

Most electronic products are powered by Lithium-ion batteries and they are often packaged along with the device. As a safety precaution, this setup is not actually advisable. Lithium-ion batteries can ignite or catch fire if the static electricity builds up within the package. Most electronics wholesale suppliers follow the traditional package for the Lithium-ion batteries but you can always request to enclose them on a separate package.

Even if electronic devices are designed to keep batteries grounded with the power off to avoid static electricity buildup, it is still safe practice to separate the Lithium-ion batteries from the electronic device. This factor greatly reduces the risk of ignition or fire given the length of time between order placement and delivery for transactions abroad.

2. Do not encourage the use of packaging foam.

Packaging materials can also contribute to battery ignition which is why it is imperative to avoid packaging materials described as packing peanuts. These materials can cause a static charge which may start a fire and the primary example for this is the packaging foam. Ask your electronics wholesale supplier to use other packaging materials and avoid packing peanuts for the safety of your wholesale electronics products.

3. Ask the supplier to tape over the switch button.

As part of the product testing process, electronic devices are powered up to make sure they work and there are times wherein the batteries aren’t completely discharged or the units themselves. Once the heat builds up, then a fire could be inevitable which leaves the electronic product damaged. This is the reason why most China wholesale electronics tape over the switch button to make sure the product is inoperable during travel. The taped switch buttons will also serve as a seal once you receive the wholesale electronics products in your warehouse.

4. Take advantage of the bubble wrap and double boxing.

The bubble wrap is the best package to protect fragile products such as electronic devices. Depending on the size of the product, tell your electronics wholesale supplier to use multiple layers of bubble to further protect it from crashes and bumps which could be suffered while importing the product from abroad.  A bubble wrap also serves as an insulator to avoid static electricity buildup and keep the product in cool surroundings. The bubble wrap is now a standard packaging layer for fragile products and this is a normal practice in all of consumer electronics wholesale industry. Read more about electronics packaging here.

Double boxing is another packaging method which you should double check with your electronics wholesale supplier. Putting the electronic device inside of two boxes instead of one minimizes the risk of impact while on transit. It assures the buyer in which the product has never come contact with its outermost layer of packaging given the double boxing plus the layers of bubble wrap.

5. Be informative when dealing with customs forms.

Electronic products are considered as sophisticated items which usually come at a steep price. When dealing with the customs office, always be honest of the electronic devices’ value when filling out the custom forms. The honesty is to your advantage and lying with the numbers can spell some trouble for you later on with taxes and the authorities.

Always keep in mind you get compensated in case accidents and mishaps happen while transporting the items. If you were being dishonest on the price values in order to save off some money out of taxes then you would be on the losing end when accidents and mishaps occur. Honesty is always the best policy even on how to import electronics.

On the other hand, avoid overestimating the prices of your wholesale electronics products as well. In case you declare outstanding amounts instead of their regular prices, you’d be paying excessive customs taxes which may also affect your business budget and finances. Most especially with China wholesale electronics, you would not want to deal with the multiple tax forms you have to pay for your orders.


There are a lot more tips we can give when it comes to ordering wholesale electronics from abroad but we simply picked out the most overlooked tips and not the obvious ones. All of the tips mentioned above on how to import electronics come in handy most especially in the aspect of being able to cut off on possible expenses and keep safe from financial troubles with your wholesale electronics business. The e-commerce outlook for the future is still great.

If you can notice, we have always highlighted the safety of electronic products and avoid fire hazards through the first four tips. We focused on customs issues on the final tip because it is a common problem with other wholesale electronics businesses wherein they try to lie out of electronic product prices in order to save some money. When in fact, being honest is simply the way to go.

For further assistance on ordering wholesale electronics abroad, you can contact us to assist you for this type of service. We are more than willing to help you in your wholesale electronics business.

The post 5 Crucial Tips for Importing Wholesale Electronics from Overseas appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Monday, 23 September 2019

Understanding Custom Duties when Importing Electronics from Asia

Custom duties is always a primary concern for manufacturing companies sourcing abroad. In the field of electronics manufacturing, this is issue is no different as it is always a complicated issue manufacturers have to face. For each country, there are different custom duties to electronics with varying rules and fees. Custom duties for importing electronics have recently become a lot of attention due to the ongoing tensions between the US and China.

Electronics business owners have to be knowledgeable of these customs charges and tariffs with electronics so they can safely import electronic products from Asia to other countries with no delay and legality issues. You would not want to have your electronic products be blocked at the customs office which will affect your business flow and efficiency.

Here are important information you need to know of when importing electronics from Asia including the rates and vital paper works you have to deal with in order to import your electronic products with no issues in the customs office. All these vital information were all based from each country’s custom database and our very own trade experience.

Importing Electronic Goods in the US

The US has always been a popular importing destination due to its wide market range and strong economic prosperity. We are experienced when it comes to importing in the US due to our work with multiple clients in the past and this includes importing electronic goods as well.

On a rare importing experience, one of our clients decided to import innovative electrothermic coffee makers (for domestic use only) from China to the US. After passing all the standards including product certifications, our product was checked in the customs office for its duty rate. Based on the tariff database for that year, the electronic gas/compressor was tagged with a specific tariff rate of 3.7% as its favored text rate for a product coming from an MFN (most favored nation). The difficulty here was just to determine what product category the product falls into. If you’re dealing with a standard product, the whole process is quite easy.

China has been favored nation for the US in customs terms since it joined the WTO, despite all the controversy both countries were caught in during recent years.  In order to establish their rocky trade relations, US has kept China on its MFN list despite disagreements on other aspects of trade and commerce. Because of this was all before this development, we ended up paying the 3.7% tariff with electronics which is the lowest possible value for our product and it seemed fair. Today we would have to check again what the actual rate is now.

As of May 2019, President Trump imposed he would raise tariffs on selected electronic products up to 25% if they are imported from China. This move is a part of his campaign to improve US’ trade practices with other countries which he deemed as biased. Talks between US and China are constantly happening in order to improve their trade relationship and this could expect some changes on the tariffs and trade information between these countries anytime soon.

Importing electronic goods in the US is a fairly simple concept when it comes to down to custom duties and rates. The only thing you have to note of is whether the country you are importing from is under their MFN list. If the country is not on the list, then expect least priority and higher custom duties and fees but expect your product to come through as long as it is legal and passes all standards. The only thing intimidating with importing electronics in the US is the strict customs office who is simply doing their job. For more info please visit the official US customs page here.

Importing Electronic Goods in the EU

The European Union is an economic group which consists of 28 states all located in Europe. Members of the European Union follow the same import tax on electronics and other custom duties coming from other countries who are not members of the economic group. Import tax on electronic products only apply once and are no longer a factor to the market value of these electronic devices once they are in the European Union territory.

European Union implements strict custom duties on electronic products which they are also known to be manufacturing. For example, electronic appliances which are primary import products of France, Italy or Spain are lobbying for more expensive customs charges compared to electronic devices in which they are not known for manufacturing themselves. All members of the European Union also have VAT applied to custom duties but are most of the time, which is not negligible for wholesale electronics. You can check for your exact product and country here.

Back in 2016, the World Trade Organization (WTO) approved the trade agreement known as the Information Technology Agreement (ITA). The ITA eliminated all import duties on some electronic products which included the EU among other markets. Products covered in this agreement have 0% import duty. Make sure to check tariff classification and product descriptions covered by the ITA for your product portfolio.

Importing Electronic Goods in Australia

Australia’s isolated location does makes it a popular importing destination but it does not affect custom duties on electronics compared to other major countries despite it being a continent on its own. The average custom tax for electronic products is at 10% of its actual price while electronic devices priced AU$1000 and below are all exempted from import duties, customs charges and the Import Processing Charge (IPC). The IPC only applies if the total value is more than AU$1000. You double check the tariffs rates for specific products here.

One custom tax in Australia importers should note of is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which currently sits at 10%. This custom tax is added on top of the customs charges of the products along with transportation and insurance fees. For small up to mid-sized electronics manufacturers, there should be no problem or whatsoever on tariff duties with electronics and they would end up paying for the 10% GST alone except for electronic devices which are part of the exception.

Refund on Custom Duties for Electronics

Custom duties for importing electronics are rarely refundable except on special situations wherein the customs office are at fault with wrong charges. Customs duties are right away added on top of the electronic products’ market value which is the reason why electronic products vary in prices from one country to another. Custom duties to electronics are already embedded within the product’s value as soon as it is accepted as an imported product.

The post Understanding Custom Duties when Importing Electronics from Asia appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Friday, 20 September 2019

6 Critical Processes for Quality Control in Electronic Manufacturing

Quality control in electronics manufacturing is an integral part of the production process. It always belong as a top level priority for most electronic manufacturers since QC electronics heavily dictates the outcome of the product hence the name of the process: quality assurance. Also big companies can struggle with proper testing as Samsung’s problems with exploding batteries and braking folding displays illustrates.

Quality assurance in electronics manufacturing does not only serve as a determinant for the electronic products but also fulfills the electronic company’s reputation and business success. All electronics manufacturers acknowledge this fact which is why they tend to focus on implementing a proper electronic quality control plan. Here are six critical processes need to be implemented for quality control in electronic manufacturing.

1. Hiring the Right Quality Engineer

The success of an electronic quality control plan can only be attributed to the quality engineer behind it. Engineering is a vital factor for quality control in electronic manufacturing and having a bad quality engineer in place will expect terrible results along the way. Hiring the right quality engineer is crucial to the project and you have to make sure you hire the right person for the job. This quality engineer must be equipped with the right knowledge, skills and experience suitable to your electronics quality control needs.

You can also shop for quality engineers by checking out other electronic manufacturing companies. Most of these quality engineers are willing to work with multiple companies whether they’d be doing PCB quality control for a certain company and facilitate the entire quality assurance electronics for a different company. Picking professional quality engineers are perfect for your QC electronics needs since they are the ones who possess the right skill set and experience for the job position.

2. Risk Management

The risk management process keeps costs at a minimum by avoiding setbacks and losses. It also covers meeting deadlines and make sure everything gets delivered or achieved on time. Mitigating risks is imperative for any electronics manufacturing company to keep liabilities at a minimum and discover potential issues then resolve them before they impact the entire manufacturing process and cause a setback. A risk management plan should be included in all quality control plans and not only in electronics.

Risk management detects problems before they even occur and become detrimental to the manufacturing process. Here is a good example on how the risk management process plays its role. When ordering for electrical components for the PCB, the risk management plan makes sure the parts arrive on time and everything works according to the lead time expected. The risk management plan will further assure all of the financial risks are evaluated in case mishaps occur and a fall back plan is in place to avoid serious issues down the manufacturing process. Technical details can be found here.

3. IPC Inspection

The IPC is a trade association who aims to standardize electronic manufacturing and serves as an initial level of quality assurance in electronics manufacturing. This association is the official group which determines the Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) of any electronic component. The AQL is the determining number whether an electronic component has a number of defective units which could merit rejection. Substandard products are classified as Class 2 IPC which means dedicated service electronic products while Class 3 IPC products are critical when it comes to standards.

4. TTC System

The TTC system is an advanced technology method being implemented by most electronics manufacturing companies these days as a part of their electronics quality control process. This is a traceability system which regulates manufacturing processes and stabilizes factors in human-critical working environments to make sure products are all safe and reliable. TTC system oversees components, collects data and record human operated activities as statistics to reduce errors and possible issues.

5. First Article Approval

Electronic manufacturers check the first product off the production line and let it go undergo a thorough electronics quality control before the rest of the batch is a given a go for massive production. The First Article Approval does not focus on the manufacturing process but aims to match the end product expected out of the batch. As long as the end product is passes all quality standards regardless of lead time and any other factors, then the First Article Approval will be released.

The First Article Approval is critical for the production line. It is a prerequisite document which approves mass production. Regardless if there are mistakes along the way within the manufacturing process, the First Article Approval signifies approval for mass production and is a huge leap for the QC electronics process  since it approves the end product is as expected despite all of the problems/issues suffered within the manufacturing process if there are any.

6. Quality Certifications

Quality certifications are added bonuses to any quality assurance in electronic manufacturing. These certifications could cover equipment, workers’ skills and working space sometimes overlooked with traditional quality control in electronics manufacturing. Having these factors credited goes a long way in which further establishes your company as a certified electronics manufacturing company. There are clients and customers who are enticed with quality certifications as they speak so much for your electronics manufacturing company and acts as a service guarantee.


All of these critical processes for quality control in manufacturing serves as prerequisites to have a stable QC electronics process. If a quality engineer misses to have one of these in place, then there is a possibility wherein the QC electronics process could be flawed resulting to products of substandard qualities. Failure in the quality control department could result to waste of resources, poor products, human errors and failed product specifications which are nightmares for all electronics product manufacturers.

The post 6 Critical Processes for Quality Control in Electronic Manufacturing appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Monday, 16 September 2019

How to Find an Electronics Contract Manufacturing Company?

Looking for an electronics manufacturing company on a contract basis seems like a challenge. There are a lot of electronics manufacturing companies out there and selecting the best one suitable or perfect for your needs could be a tough task to pull off. Your choice should depend on the electronics product category which you would like to manufacture. If you are still confused of what you are looking for in an electronics contract manufacturing company then this article should be perfect for you. Asian countries are common choice for multiple reasons and particularly China has built itself an advantage that it is likely to keep despite of tariffs and increasing labor cost.

You may not know on how to narrow down your options for the available electronics manufacturing companies. This is why we’ve put together these 8 big factors you should consider on choosing the electronics contract manufacturing company you should be working with for your electronic device.

8 Factors in Choosing an Electronics Contract Manufacturing Company

 1. Industry Longevity and Experience

Hiring an electronics contract manufacturing company with an extensive history and experience in the industry is definitely an advantage for your start up or existing business. Famous manufacturers like Apple outsource all of their components to contract manufacturers. Working with a company which has an established reputation along with expertise can be expected to come up with top quality work which shares the glory of each product coming out of their production line. Your success can definitely be theirs and vice versa. You would not be afraid to risk your electronics manufacturing with them since their reputation goes along with you electronic product’s performance in the market.

2. Design Skills & Capabilities

An electronics contract manufacturing company should not limit their services as a manufacturer but should also intervene with PCB design tweaks and modifications. Whether these comments and suggestions are welcome or not, they must be knowledgeable enough to give thoughts and feedbacks on the PCB design to give the client a different perspective or outlook which may be beneficial for the end product. A different review on the current specs is always a welcome notion for further assessment and correction to make the PCB design as efficient and effective as it may be.

3. Technology Advancement

There is always a chance to utilize technology, tools, software and other advanced services to utilize the electronic product which you are manufacturing. It is in your best interest to take advantage of the latest technologies available to make sure your electronic product gets developed in the top tier manner which is expected of it to be. The high-end technology used to create this electronic product will serve as a determinant for its place in the market.

4. Industry Compliance

You need to be constantly updated with industry standards and make sure the EMS manufacturing company you are working with complies with standards currently present in the industry. Aside from industry standards, the EMS manufacturing company should also be in compliance with your company’s standards and quality assurance protocol.

5. Environment Friendly

Putting the environment as a concern goes to show your electronics company and the electronics manufacturing company you are working with are legit companies. Electronic products are known to produce toxic wastes which is why proper disposal shows a better image of your company and the companies you are working with. The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) is in place to make sure you comply with rules and deliver a nature-friendly product.

6. Product Testing

As a part of the quality assurance program, product testing should be done to make sure all of the products or PCB boards satisfy the expectations of consumers. Product testing is a constant task which assures all designs pass quality standards and nothing passes of subpar quality. Product testing will also testify whether the electronics manufacturing company have underperformed to check the product design for flaws and issues which could become an issue later on with mass production. Even many products sold on Amazon don’t have sufficient certifications, which is particularly critical for electronics.

7. Production Line Management

The electronics contract manufacturing company you are working with must be equipped with the right connection in the industry to make sure all aspects of production gets covered. Factors such as supplies, electrical components and commodities must be all covered by the electronics contract manufacturing company wherein you’d be left focused on production and design for your electronic device.

8. Post-Production Services

There are a lot of electronics contract manufacturing companies whose services are only limited until the product is out of the production line. It would be advantageous to hire electronics manufacturing companies who will continuously assist you during the post-production phase. This may include marketing and other fulfillment services such as free troubleshooting for faulty PCBs. Any form of post-production service is a welcome notion for startup electronics manufacturing companies out there.

It’s a Wrap

Finding an electronics contract manufacturing company perfect for your needs is not really a tough task. The process of assessment is the lengthy and difficult part. However, the entire process all boils down to picking an electronics manufacturing company who has the right skill set, experience and character to develop your product. Their availability is a non-issue but the selection process goes a long way.

The post How to Find an Electronics Contract Manufacturing Company? appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Friday, 13 September 2019

What PCB Files are Necessary before Production?

Creating a PCB layout design is a tall order. It takes time, electronics knowledge and patience to get it all done. But when you already have the PCB layout ready, there are still files you need to have before you can submit the PCB layout design for printed circuit board manufacturing. For turnkey orders, the files needed are BOM (bill of materials), centroid data and the PCB layout in either Gerber or ODB++ format. Aside from these regular files, it would be helpful if there are additional files such as assembly sketches, fabrication procedures and any other instructions or specifications to the PCB layout design.

The only problem is most electronic manufacturers particularly newbies do not know of these files and how to secure them. Fortunately, there are companies like us who are willing to help them on this problem. In this wiki article, we will take a closer look on the following printed circuit board manufacturing files and why they are necessary for production.

Gerber or ODB++ Files

Gerber and ODB++ are different file formats being run through a software or program in the computer. These set of files contain extensive information about the different layers of the PCB. All these info come in handy for the production team. The most commonly used programs to run these files are either KiCad or Eagle. There are other applications who can read these files as well but the two mentioned are the most heavily used by electronic manufacturers. Also the largest companies in this growing industry use these files.

Aside from the Gerber or ODB++ files, you also have to include drill files and a detailed board outline file. The drill file contains info on the exact location where the manufacturer will put drill holes including the size of these drill holes. The detailed board outline file may cover details such as blind and buried visas which the manufacturer also needs. Make sure you include these files along with the Gerber or ODB++ files.

Last but not the least, you should also include mechanical files in the file set. This is not necessarily a separate file but simply a clear distinction of the board outline file wherein the dimensions of the board are verified. Cut-outs and internal routing can also be specified on each layers for this file. Gerber or ODB++ files can be submitted as an archive which includes all of the aforementioned files together. Any of these are acceptable by electronic manufacturers as part of the PCB layout guidelines.

Centroid Files

The Centroid file which is also known as the “XY coordinate” or “Pick & Place” file contains info about where each electrical component are placed on the board. It is presented in an x-y coordinate format with different perspectives in terms of rotation, layers and reference designator. The value/package of these electrical components are also presented accordingly.

Bill of Materials

Bill of materials or simply known as BOM is a lengthy list of all the parts, electrical components and materials included to fill up the electrical circuit diagram. DNI (do not install) components may also be included in this list to make it thorough for all of the components included on the list. Environmental and recycling aspects should be considered when the components and materials are chosen.

Special and Additional Requirements

There are times wherein a PCB layout design includes impedance control, unique stack up & thickness, gold fingers and blind/buried vias etc. These notes can be added as “ReadMe” files or additional PDF files for formality. You need to highlight these specifications on the special/additional requirements files so the PCB manufacturer can note this as a part of the production plan.

Assembly Drawings

Assembly drawings may be necessary if there is no enough space for all of the reference designators on the PCB outline file. Assembly drawings are normally presented as PDF files as a step by step guideline on how to assemble the PCB layout design.

Preliminary Files

There are times when clients have unfinished PCB layouts due to various reasons and the PCB manufacturer is left being responsible for its completion. This situation is where companies like us or the PCB manufacturers themselves step in and create a preliminary quote based on the existing PCB files necessary for production. As a part of the PCB layout guidelines, any other design updates will help us modify the quote accordingly.


All of the PCB files mentioned above are needed by PCB manufacturers before they can jumpstart printed circuit board manufacturing. There are times when a client is not able to recover all of these files most especially with newbies. However, PCB manufacturers can also assist when it comes to missing PCB files. They are knowledgeable enough to identify and secure it for you as soon as you finalize a contract or deal.

The post What PCB Files are Necessary before Production? appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.


Thursday, 5 September 2019

Wiki 101: How to Start an Electronics Business?

Electronic products such as mobile phones, tablet, digital cameras accessories and gadgets are popular items easily sold in the market. As long as they justify their prices and able to perform the features they boast off, then selling them to consumer should not be a problem. There are already many established electronics manufacturers out there. However, ideas for new electronics products will never run out and to start your own electronics business is never be a bad idea considering ongoing digitalization of everything–especially since you can focus on a nice that bigger companies can’t serve.

If you are thinking about to start your own electronics business, you must be well-prepared and should have enough knowledge and information on the industry you are about to penetrate. We have seen a lot of major electronic companies fail due to various reasons and this predicament makes even small up to mid-sized electronic businesses even more fragile when it comes to success. Careful planning and having a solid electronics business plan is definitely a must-have when starting an electrical business.

Use Other Successful Electronics Businesses as Models

If you want to be a successful startup electronics company, then you should look up at other successful electronic businesses as your role models. You need to examine and understand their business setup and apply whatever positive you can take from it on to your business plan. This includes product costing, marketing strategies and employee management to name a few. You need all these information for your own business endeavors.

You can also compare successful electronic businesses with those who have failed. You can note factors on the aspects in which they have failed and take it as a notice for your own. You can also download detailed business case studies of other electronic companies online and use them as references for your own electronics business ideas.

Have a Solid Electronics Business Plan

There is a lot of competition upfront and the risks are at a high point if you intend to start an electronic business. If you try to look at recent business news in the electronics industry, it is easy to point out ten major companies have failed from 1986 up to 2010. This number only shows how risky the electronics industry is and the failure part is always in the open.

Since you have gathered, important information on other electronics businesses and how they function, use these info as your inputs on how to device a solid electronics business plan. Try to create an electronics business plan which targets your competitive advantages. You can also use your personal professional experiences and apply it on the electronics business plan you are working on. Even though, the electronics industry is really competitive, any form of business ideas, cultures and theories can be applicable to the industry. For manufacturing, focusing on China still makes sense despite of the recent trade and tariff tensions, because there are no real alternatives.

Considering Costs and Business Scale

Electronics startups may require a significant capital money which is why you need to secure the investment money first before you start working on your project. However, there are options to start your electronics business at low cost. You would not want your project to be put on a halt due to financial setbacks which prevents your electronics business plan from gaining momentum. You need to secure the capital investment beforehand and the expenses would involve inventory, store leasing, salaries, marketing campaigns and product costs.

You can also opt to start an electronic business from home or online since it would be much cheaper this way. However, other aspects of the business format would now go to website creation and administration. It would be a huge plus if you are internet savvy but there are technical considerations which may need professional intervention and you can’t do on your own, such as how to get a prototype made.

Depending on your vision and ambition for your electronics startup business, your business scale will hugely rely on your company budget and the possible mileage of your product. If you believe you have a promising electronic product which can cater to millions of people but you do not have the right amount of money for this big project, you can choose to ask help form other investors and help fund your electronics startup business.

There are a lot of investors and financial firms who are willing to risk on small-time electronics startups as long as the business owner is able to present a solid electronics business plan with electronic devices which are ground-breaking and relatively new in the industry. You also have to have good business reputation to easily convince investors and financial firms help you start an electronic business.

Examining Suppliers’ Requirements

Whether you are on the side of manufacturing or retail for electronic devices, the need to work with suppliers is a vital aspect of the business. You must be aware of their terms and conditions in order to establish a smooth working relationship with them. You would not want to transfer from one supplier to another every now and which is why you need to establish a long-term deal with them. To start your own electronics business is definitely easier today than it ever was considering the many accessible factories in Asia. Many electronics Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign fail in the manufacturing stage.

Some of the factors you may want to consider are minimum orders, certifications and referrals from other electronics business owners. While starting an electrical business, you have to establish connections in and around the industry and this includes suppliers, contract manufacturing companies and even fellow electronics business owners alike.


Start your own electronics business is much like any other business idea except the industry is constantly evolving and the competition is hard. It still all boils down to extensive planning and hard work to make it all work. Having a great innovative electronics product would also easily set you apart from competitors. The electronics business idea still follows all the common business practices but it will all be up to your electronics business plan execution to guarantee success.

The post Wiki 101: How to Start an Electronics Business? appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.
