Sunday, 31 May 2020

How to Find a Custom Baby Clothes Manufacturer

Starting a baby clothes business is a lucrative idea for startups because of its feasibility and great market position. There will always be a market for baby clothes and having it well-targeted in this niches provides better opportunities than many more common clothing categories. Furthermore, the market for baby clothes is gigantic with USD14 billion in the US alone. However, much like any other business ventures, you cannot really be sure of success with a custom baby clothing line if you don’t set the basics up properly. There will be tough obstacles along the way which you need to overcome and these pose as a great challenge for the business owner.

Most of the time, the biggest challenge for startup custom baby clothing lines is how to find a custom baby clothing manufacturer that is a perfect fit for their business needs. A professional manufacturer who is willing to provide extensive services despite a new business’ small orders at the beginning. Most clothing manufacturers prefer to work with major clothing lines and established businesses simply because of financial security out of bulk orders. Startup clothing lines cannot offer such privilege which makes them inferior in the priority list.

In this article, let us discover how to find a custom baby clothes manufacturer from a different perspective: that of the clothing manufacturer you need. It is a given that we can find them on trade fairs and through recommendations or simply by looking them up in supplier directories on the internet, but this time we will take a closer look at the process and come up with other viable options in landing the perfect custom baby clothes manufacturer for your business venture.

Ultimate Guide when Finding a Custom Baby Clothes Manufacturer

If you are looking for a custom baby clothes manufacturer, it is important to understand you are not only looking for someone who is capable of producing your designs. You are choosing someone who is your business partner and is a crucial factor to the outcome of your business. It is important to establish a desire to have a long-term working relationship instead of simply having a per-order work mindset. You do not want to switch on to another clothing factory and supplier from time to time simply because you haven’t found a committed business partner. It’s important to do the coordination diligently with respect to cuts and materials, but you should ideally only do this once to safe time and increase predictability for your business.

Startup companies are always in a critical state. Finances are tight and there is less room for errors and mishaps. Business owners are always at risk wherein each step of the production process can be detrimental to the success of the business in case things go awry. This is why picking a custom baby clothes manufacturer with a vast amount of experience and has already worked with several clothing lines under their belt is a must. Their expertise and knowledge in the industry lessens the risk of failing due to the novice status of the business owner. Make sure they are knowledgeable about common fabric choices for baby clothing that can differ a lot from those for adults.

Another way of determining whether you found a great custom baby clothes manufacturer is when they suggest for you to make a sample first and to order a small batch to test the waters. They will not force you to order in bulk to their advantage since it would be too risky for the business owner given he or she has not yet been able to try out the market. Starting out with a small batch allows for improvement and modifications later on once the first batch of products is out. The finances are not all spent and the returns allow for a better release in the next batch.

Last but not the least, you must consider their professional fees and other additional services. It is clear that when finances are tight, you need to make sure you getting the most out of what you are paying your custom baby clothes manufacturer and this includes other additional services such as mentorship, inputs on the designs and other welcome suggestions for your business venture. Making professional design files and creating tech packs is crucial also for baby clothes–make sure you can get help finalizing yours. Customer support is often overlooked but is proven to be vital in the manufacturing industry most especially for startups.


How to find a custom baby clothes manufacturer for startup businesses is not really a difficult task but being able to tell you have found the right one is the tricky part. Having all the tips mentioned above comes in handy and allows you to have a different approach when it comes to finding the perfect custom baby clothes manufacturer. The tips allow you to save time and effort then easily trim down your options. It is all up to you to weigh on the pros and cons the potential baby clothes manufacturer can give.

As a startup baby clothing business, you want to start your venture on the right foot and picking the right manufacturer is crucial. Ending up with the wrong custom baby clothes manufacturer can spell disaster to your project. The money, time and effort lost on a wrong choice of manufacturer can already be a reason enough for you to give up on the project and consider a different venture. Always choose wisely when picking a custom baby clothes manufacturer. Also check early for other market trends that will influence your manufacturing. Current trends are sustainable fabrics and making clothes more durable so that they can be rented rather than bought.

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Thursday, 28 May 2020

How to Find Custom Women’s Underwear Manufacturer

Custom women’s underwear is a type of clothing product which needs meticulous attention to detail. The product manufacturer must be equipped with the right set of skills to follow instructions from a tech pack or else things can go awry with just a minor misstep in the specifications. Designing custom women’s underwear also requires critical thinking which adds up to the technicality of producing custom women’s underwear. Innovative designs are the key to success because you have to stand out somehow. Recent trends are better cuts and products that actually fit and are comfortable. If you happened to be one of those who are into custom women’s underwear manufacturing, then this article is just right for you. 

When it comes to custom women’s underwear manufacturing, partnering with a professional manufacturer is a must. You may come up with the perfect and innovative custom women’s underwear designs but if you do not have the right manufacturer for them, then the products are still bound to fail in the market. Clothing manufacturing is not as simple as it sounds and coordination is key. This is why being able to find the right manufacturer is crucial to your custom women’s underwear project. Here is a simple guide on how to find custom women’s underwear manufacturer and learn more about the different aspects you should consider for the supplier selection.

What to look for in a Custom Women’s Underwear Manufacturer?

Your custom women’s underwear manufacturer is someone who incorporates your ideas and work on the production line to turn them into real women’s underwear products. They are also known in the industry as clothing factories and suppliers since materials and components provision for the clothing product is often a part of their task as manufacturers. It is much more convenient to have a manufacturer and supplier rolled into one instead of having to identify companies for both aspects of prosecuting materials and sewing.

The custom women’s underwear manufacturer you are looking for is someone who has experience in producing underwear clothing in the industry. A company who is known to have worked with successful clients and clothing lines as part of their resume. You want to work with a reputable manufacturer and not simply settle with someone who might be new to the industry. It might be too risky to rely on manufacturers and suppliers without any portfolio to back up their service.

The big question you have to ask your potential custom women’s underwear is to know their minimum order quantity (MOQ). Considering you are still starting out your women’s underwear clothing line, it is advisable to start off with minimum orders instead of shooting all your budget on a single bulk order. Instead, start low and improve your product with every batch. The MOQ is a protocol for manufacturers because if an order does not reach the MOQ, it will become a loss on their part and they end up charging more than their usual rates. Make sure that you have clothing manufacturer supporting startups and small orders.

Where to look for your Custom Women’s Underwear Manufacturer?

The internet is the easiest avenue to look for potential custom women’s underwear manufacturers. Simply by typing these keywords at Google, you can quickly gain access to thousands of potential manufacturers from all around the world. All of these manufacturers have their own websites or social media channels which make it easy for you to contact or reach them. You can even directly email or message them in any messaging platforms and expect a reply in just a few minutes.

Another popular avenue on how to find custom women’s underwear manufacturers is online on pages such as Alibaba, Yellow Pages, Industry Directories etc. Online marketplaces are where online merchants are listed on the internet and they can be handy for referrals. By using the search function of online marketplaces, you are able to find potential underwear manufacturers along with underwear clothing merchants. Also make sure that you ask for sustainable materials and similar options early on. It is up to you to contact or engage with them in order to tell them exactly what you are looking for.

Going for Low Minimum Orders

Now you know how to find custom women’s underwear manufacturer, your next task is to know how to deal and do transactions with them. The MOQ topic is a protocol for manufacturers, they would set it up straight before you sign any contract with them. However, with the right approach and being transparent, you can get to lower the MOQ. The tip in here is to be honest and direct whereas the manufacturer can be supportive of your business once they see your dedication and promising custom underwear designs. Good collaboration and preparation can help a lot.

Asking your custom women’s underwear manufacturer for help in the product development process is not totally new since even big companies do it as well in order to cut off on expenses and be able to save time. As a small business or startup underwear clothing line, it is no big deal for you to ask for favors and lower the MOQ as much as possible. As long as you are honest and transparent with your custom women’s underwear manufacturer, they will easily believe your side as long as they can see the potential in your underwear products. They understand your success will also translate for their company in the long run.

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Sunday, 24 May 2020

How to Find a Custom Bra Manufacturer

A lot of women these days prefer to buy clothes with individual and less common designs, also when it comes “down” to underwear. Instead of buying default boring designs, standard cuts and sizes available in supermarkets, they are looking for something special that stands out. This is mainly because they want to enjoy the perfect fit and comfort they want out of their underwear and not simply settle for what is commonly available. One of the most common underwear clothing products being customized these days is the bra. A lot of innovations and interesting niches for custom bras have shown up in recent years. Here are some recent examples of ThirdLove and  True&Co. How to find a custom bra manufacturer is a question that they also started with.

We see a lot of clothing companies and startups that now offer non-standard bra designs as their main product line. You cannot deny the rise of demand among customers for customized bras and as a result, also more and more larger clothing companies offer more novel bra designs as part of their clothing line. If you happened to be one of these innovators who want to venture in making your own custom bras, this article on how to find a custom bra manufacturer is perfect or you.

Finding the right clothing manufacturer is the main concern when you are venturing into a new clothing product line such as custom bras. Especially if you your company is new to the product or is not yet well-versed when it comes to custom bra production, this can be challenging. Manufacturers come in handy as their professional skills and services will help you achieve the perfect custom bra according to your design and preferences.

Looking for the Right Custom Bra Manufacturer

Finding and working with a manufacturer that’s right for your custom bra manufacturing needs is crucial. First, you have to decide if you want to produce domestically or overseas, as each option will have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Simply ask yourself how much control you want or be able to authorize to the manufacturer for producing your product. Producing domestically or locally allows you to directly oversee production and check in more regularly compared to overseas manufacturing. You should be aware though that bra manufacturers in Western countries usually require much larger minimum order quantities since they tend to use more machines for the production. Overseas countries are a preferable option for smaller quantities and new product designs that need more manual labor.

If price and fees is your biggest concern, then working with overseas manufacturers is the perfect option for you. When you are producing in bulk, it is advisable to work with overseas clothing factories based in Asian countries such as China, Bangladesh or the Philippines. Overhead expenses are extremely cheap in these countries wherein you end up paying less service fees out of your bulk custom bra orders. In Western countries, you may end up paying double or triple compared to the fees you have paid for outsourcing manufacturing in Asia.

Another way on how to find a custom bra manufacturer is to tap on the clothing industry’s business network. All of your colleagues will have something to share regarding manufacturers, suppliers and contacts. Gain referrals from fellow clothing companies and you can be assured these leads are professionals you can trust. You can also join online forums and business threads simply to gain knowledge of the industry and as well as share your inputs to your colleagues. This is a positive way of establishing your reputation as an underwear clothing manufacturer.

Doing the Bra Supplier Selection

Once you have all your contacts listed, you can now narrow down this list by comparing prices, services offered, company reputation, manufacturing processes, terms & conditions etc. All these factors is crucial to your selection process. It is also important to ask for your potential custom bra manufacturer’s minimum order quantity, especially if you are a recently established low volume clothing company. Most of the major bra manufacturers are used to dealing with bulk orders and do not cater with small quantity which is why it is important to ask for the MOQ beforehand.

Once you’ve boiled down to at least three choices, it is time to give your potential custom bra manufacturer a call or a message via email. Always take the professional approach and do not be bothered whether you are just a start up clothing company. Professionals approach fellow professionals with the same manner and respect and this saying applies to manufacturers and suppliers as well. If you do not sound confident of your custom bra project then your potential bra manufacturer may tend to look down on your proposal. Don’t focus too much on the potential outlook of your business but focus on the orders on hand.

After contacting your three final choices, it is up to you to decide which one perfectly fits the bill as your custom bra manufacturer. There is actually no right or wrong choice in here since it is all up to you to decide for your clothing company depending on the factors that matter most to you. However, always keep in mind that your choice is crucial to your manufacturing business which is why it is important to double check your decision and not hastily decide on it.


There are a lot of other factors not mentioned in this article when it comes to sorting potential bra manufacturers. However, the most important ones are usually technical support, pricing, and minimum order quantity. Simply remember that finding a custom bra manufacturer is not a difficult task but being able to pick the right one for your clothing company is the big challenge here. A great way to get started with how to find a custom bra manufacturer is determining exactly what you want to do: Looking at the bra market development summarized here with average prices and consumer behavior is a great start.

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Contact Form – Mobile

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Friday, 22 May 2020

How to Find a Custom Men’s Underwear Manufacturer

How to find a custom men’s underwear manufacturer to make your clothing product is a crucial process because this is the initial step wherein your ideas finally manifest. Your custom men’s underwear design remains an idea until a manufacturer works with you to make things happen. Finding a potential men’s underwear manufacturer is not as easy despite that you can simply Google for them on the internet. Indeed, finding the right one perfect for your custom men’s underwear design is the most challenging part along with coming up with a creative design that you can base your collection or even entire startup on. Here is an example of a creative approach to a seemingly mundane garment.

Analyzing the Pros and Cons when Finding a Men’s Underwear Manufacturer

If you are a major clothing company, there are less issues for you dealing with suppliers moving forward. These suppliers treat big clients as a cash cow and they would do their best to keep them under their wing or else some other manufacturer would lure this client away from them in case they fall short of the client’s standards. In fact, manufacturers and suppliers alike are the ones who will go after big clients asking them to avail of their services instead of the other way around.

When it comes to small up to mid-sized clothing companies, there are challenges that you need to be aware of when dealing with manufacturers. Let us simply face it. Startup clothing companies and clothing lines who haven’t established their brands yet do not have the same VIP privilege as much as other big companies do. As they are still trying to gain a foothold and carve their niche, finding a reliable manufacturer is an additional tough task they must face. The first important aspect is hence finding a small quantity clothing manufacturer that takes low volume orders. Especially underwear manufacturing, whether male or female, is usually a high volume business.

One of the most common problem is the customer support service young clothing brands get from their manufacturers. Since they are working around a budget, they seldom get the full services out of a manufacturer and they are only allowed to avail what their budget allows. The worst part is manufacturers tend to lowball small clients because of the small fee they can get out of them. They could have given additional services but they prefer to not offer them anymore since they are on the upper hand of the deal and only think of their convenience. For custom men’s underwear manufacturers, that usually means support with respect to the product design files (or making a tech pack) and consultation with respect to appropriate fabrics for intimate use.

Fortunately, not all manufacturers out there treat small to mid-sized clients the same as many clothing suppliers do. There are companies out there who are specifically designed to cater to the needs of startup companies and small-time entrepreneurs. Even though they may also have big companies and established brands as clients, they still treat small-sized companies without bias the same way how they treat their bigger clients.

The support small up to mid-sized get is an important factor to consider when looking for a manufacturer for your clothing product. There are manufacturers whose work is only limited to the actual printing or manufacturing of the clothes and nothing more. You might as well pick a manufacturer who can provide other services such as assistance in design, product packaging and other aspects of clothing manufacturing instead of a production-only manufacturer. This tip will make it more convenient as you end up working with an all-in-one manufacturer instead of several third-party services. Ask for this support directly when you’re looking into how to find a custom men’s underwear manufacturer.

Western Manufacturers and Options Offshore

If you rely on the internet when looking for potential clothing manufacturers, it would be inevitable for you to find contacts who are located Western manufacturers. If you are new to the industry, you might be unaware that the manufacturing industry in Western countries does usually not make sense when it comes to low to medium quantities of men’s underwear. Yes, they may be equipped with the latest technology and advanced equipment but all these come with an outstanding rate which is too pricey compared to contacts you can find in China, Philippines and other Asian countries. Furthermore, you usually need higher quantities to get started.

The best route when looking for clothing manufacturers regardless of production size has to be in Asia, particularly China. China is known worldwide as a manufacturing powerhouse and no one comes close when it comes to the supply chain integration for materials and production processes their manufacturing companies can offer. Most of the garments products we see in the market today are made or processed in China, even if the sewing takes place elsewhere. They are responsible for manufacturing of major brands and companies not only in clothing & garments but also in other types of products such as technology, electronics, plastics etc.

As a startup clothing line looking for a stable clothing manufacturer you can professionally work with, it is advisable to seek for manufacturers that are based in overseas. You get to enjoy world-class manufacturing services at a rate much cheaper compared to what Western manufacturing services can offer. They can provide assistance from design conception all the way up to the end of the production line. How to find a custom men’s underwear manufacturer is easier then it was ever before today, but you have to make sure that your needs are covered and be aware of the perspective of the clothing factories that often requite high minimums and little support to small clients. It is definitely a good time to look into men’s underwear manufacturing, even Victoria’s Secret is making men’s underwear now.

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Monday, 18 May 2020

How to Find a Custom Lingerie Manufacturer

Finding a specialized underwear manufacturer is already a tough task and even more so if you are looking for something more specific like a custom lingerie manufacturer. Even though there are a lot of clothing manufacturers out there, finding the right one perfect for your needs and business budget is a difficult task to master. Both for looking at a large scale and small quantity manufacturing, your options should not only be limited within your area as you must be open in seeking for lingerie manufacturers overseas. The vast majority of clothing manufacturing takes place in Asia and that’s also where the factories with the best skills and most experience are located. Only for very high priced lingerie in larger quantities you might also want to look into Western countries for manufacturing.

If you have great lingerie ideas in mind, your business deserves a very good supplier and you must not settle for less. Your suppliers and factories you are going to work with can be a huge factor or can be detrimental to your success. The company you are looking for at this stage is not someone you like to temporarily work with but someone you want to have a long term working relationship with. Here are a few tips on how to find a custom lingerie manufacturer.

How to Look for a Custom Lingerie Manufacturer

1. Trade Fairs

Visiting trade fairs is the traditional method to look for suppliers and manufacturers. Regardless of your location, there are various trade fairs happening in major cities nearly you all year round. However, you will find a lot of traders in Western countries that are simply outsourcing your orders to Asia. It might hence be a good idea to go to local fairs in Asia yourself. These trade fairs attract the biggest manufacturing industry players which obviously include manufacturers and suppliers aside from fellow clothing companies alike. The most relevant trade fair all around the globe is Premiere Vision. It is held in Paris at least twice a year including stopovers at New York, Barcelona, Istanbul and a few other major cities.

In trade fairs, you can surely find a manufacturer for your custom lingerie product. However, the only problem is that you have to be patient and keen enough to go through the process of visiting manufacturers’ booths one by one. The numbers can be overwhelming, the busy atmosphere can be exhausting and people with small quantities are commonly not catered to. But the advantage of being able to talk to them personally and directly inquire of their services will help you save time from waiting for email replies or return phone calls.

2. Online Platforms

Another way on how to find a custom lingerie manufacturer is through online platforms which are able to connect you directly to a manufacturer or supplier. There are website directories out there who exclusively cater in listing down manufacturers, suppliers, clothing line agents and more. You can easily filter out your options and settle with the most viable choices for your custom lingerie manufacturing needs. Contact information is available in website directories and it is up to you to contact them directly for inquiries. Options here range from Alibaba to your local Yellow Pages. Be careful though since fraud and coordination problems are still relatively common.

3. Manufacturing Agents

If you are too caught up in your clothing business wherein you no longer have time to look for a manufacturer for your custom lingerie project, you can opt to work with manufacturing agents or buying offices to do the task for you. These agents and buying offices are connected to factories and suppliers and they can easily sort out their contacts based on the type of product you are producing. At the expense of a small professional fee, you can find a custom lingerie manufacturer without browsing the internet or going to a trade fair.

Manufacturing agents can be found on social media channels such as LinkedIn. Simply type in your product’s keywords along with the word agent and you will find hundreds of manufacturing agents who are willing to work with you on your custom lingerie project. The only downside to this is the fact you don’t get to directly communicate with the manufacturer or supplier since the agent acts as a middleman. You cannot be able to bargain on the service fees since there is no direct contact with the clothing manufacturer. Also the quaintly of the work can vary largely. The best solution is to find someone that has their own garment factory to work with.

4. Government Agencies

If you are looking to hire local manufacturers, the best place to visit are government agencies covering the local manufacturing industry. These government agencies often have the master list of all manufacturing companies and suppliers operating within a specific area. In fact, some of them may advice on which company you should go for based on the company’s reputation to keep up with legalities and tax paying behavior. The following should be good standards to follow in picking your custom lingerie manufacturer. These platforms are common in Western countries but also exist overseas. The difficulty here is that they are often only maintained in the local language.


The following tips mentioned above are the easiest and most convenient ways for you to find a custom lingerie manufacturer. Simply keep in mind that finding a potential custom manufacturer is an easy task but being able to land the right one is the taller order. It is up to you to weigh on their respective strengths and weaknesses and not just settle with the first custom lingerie manufacturer you were able to interview. Always talk to at least two to three potential custom lingerie manufacturers before making your choice.

The post How to Find a Custom Lingerie Manufacturer appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Friday, 15 May 2020

How to Make Custom Sportswear & Fitness Clothing

Sportswear and fitness clothing never run out of style and always have a specific area in the market. The style and fashion sense revolving around this type of clothing has also continuously evolved through the years given the modern technology combined with other fashion trends. If you intend to make custom sportswear or fitness clothing, you do not only have to work with a clothing manufacturer but you also have to be equipped with the right knowledge on fashion and technology to come up with an innovative product design.

When it comes to custom clothing, it is not a bad idea to look at established brands in the industry for guidance. For example, in the athleisure market, some of the most dominant brands are Nike, Adidas, Puma, Under Armour and Lululemon (the two letter ones are rather recently established and very successful brands). It is easy to pick out why they are dominating the market simply because their products use the right fabric and quality material while at the same time prioritize fit, comfort and style all rolled in a single product. Most of their products stay true to this goal which always spell success for the brands mentioned. The market for athleisure clothing products is likely to continue to thrive, which makes it a great niche to start your now clothing business or startup. You can learn more about the market trends here.

Getting Started on How to Make Custom Sportswear & Fitness Clothing

Most small businesses think right away of being able to make the next big thing in the industry which is the same reason why they fail. Instead of setting standards and expectations which are too high, the most important thing is to address consumer’s needs. Your custom sportswear or fitness product does not have to be the most technologically-advanced product out there in the market for it to succeed. Simply create something that works which people can use and is basically all you need. Don’t neglect the marketing and branding that are equally important. Another common mistake is that people want to start with many different athleisure products at the same time. Rather focus on just one to three products and make sure you get them prefect. 

Once you have conceptualized a design for your custom sportswear or fitness clothing product, ask help from a professional graphics designer to help formulate your tech pack. The graphic designer will create a virtual design file of your product and present different perspectives of your custom design. The initial drawing does not have to be very specific as long as you are able to present the general gist of your sportswear design. Other details and specifications can be added later on to your tech pack. The tech pack is the crucial instructions file for the clothing factory and you can get help from specialised tech pack companies.

Sourcing for Fabrics and Materials

Your biggest concern should be the right choice of fabrics which are stretchable and can quickly wick away moisture but also don’t feel to much like plastic and are comfortable to wear. It is also important that the fabric keeps it shape despite strenuous activity and movement. As a small business, it is impossible to compete with major brands’ technology and influence which is why it is a trick under your sleeve to come contact with suppliers and manufacturers who work or are associated with major sportswear in the industry. You can take advantage of their knowledge and expertise and put them to good use for the benefit of your company as well. Also check products from big brands for their fabric composition as reference.

The material suppliers and clothing manufacturers are key to help you find the most effective fabrics for your custom sportswear product and be able to purchase them at the lowest price possible given you order in bulk. The number of fabrics available for sportswear and fitness clothing is an unimaginable large which is why working alongside these industry professionals helps you save time and effort. Hiring them as your manufacturer is a plus considering that they work on similar fitness clothing products on a daily basis. In case that your product fails in the market, it is their loss as well. So for professional clothing manufacturers it’s in their own interest to help you finding suitable fabrics. The best and safest approach is still though that you know your ideal fabric as good as possible in terms of weight/thickness, weave and material composition.

Other Aspects of How to Make Custom Sportswear & Fitness Clothing Manufacturing

Aside from design conception and the actual production process, there are also other aspects of how to make custom sportswear & fitness clothing manufacturing you need to thoroughly consider. These are packaging, labeling, logistics and marketing. Even if you have an excellent product coming out but you failed in any of the departments mentioned above, then your product will be at a higher risk to fail. All of these factors work alongside each other perfectly contributing to the success of your custom sportswear or fitness clothing brand.

For custom product packaging, you simply have to cover the basics which is to protect and enclose the custom sportswear from outside elements. Exposing the fitness clothing from outside elements may damage the product or affect its quality before the consumer gets to use it. Regarding labeling, always provide care information and manufacturing labels strategically placed within the product. Labeling is a requirement for your product to pass basic quality standards.

Logistics and marketing are both complex topics revolving around manufacturing. Both of them may need separate articles to extensively cover these topics. However, we will try to brush the surface regarding these aspects. Logistics are usually easy for smaller quantities and you can simply ship them by air with one of the large logistics providers from overseas. Customs declarations can also be done by a logistics services provider so that you don’t have to deal with it. Marketing is a very complex field and you are probably best of by focusing on social media and other online activities since these are much more affordable for young brands just starting out.

The post How to Make Custom Sportswear & Fitness Clothing appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Monday, 11 May 2020

How to Make Custom Men’s Underwear

The underwear is perhaps the most personal piece of clothing any man could have. Even though you probably only get feedback from your partner that can get to see it, it is a private belonging which is dear to the wearer because it can give him a sense of confidence and intimate comfort no other piece of clothing can provide. It is the last piece of clothing directly one the skin which makes it private and at the same special to the wearer.

Men’s underwear have a lot of varieties and types. Depending on a man’s preference, he usually always sticks to a certain type of underwear or brand of comfort. Whether he uses briefs, boxers, trunks or boxer briefs; it is very rare for a man to use many different types of underwear as his go-to undies. However, many people feel that existing cuts and designs are insufficient. Not much innovations and designs have become available here, often in contrast to women’s underwear. Creating your own customized underwear line specifically for more individual tastes and needs instead of settling with generic versions available in the market is a great business idea. The market for underwear is growing consistently, as shown here for the UK. In this article, we will thoroughly discuss the art of how to make custom men’s underwear.

Design, Develop & Create the Custom Underwear

In the clothing industry, the best approach is to always follow the design-develop-create method when making clothing products and this is no different in how to make custom men’s underwear. The initial step is to conceptualize the design of your men’s underwear. It is much better to create a sketch of your potential product and at least lay out a vague structure of how your men’s underwear is going to look like. You don’t have to be detailed at this point but simply be able to have a basic sketch of your underwear product concept (emphasise crucial features).

For the next phase, you now proceed to make a design design file out for your sketch. Details will now slowly come into play and you may need the assistance of a professional graphic designer in case you don’t have much experience. A 2D representation of your custom men’s underwear in different perspectives is necessary as these design files will also serve as your tech pack moving forward. The tech pack is an integral file on how to make custom men’s underwear and other clothing products. It should contain all crucial instructions for the clothing factory. A professional tech pack design company can help.

During the product development process, you now have to specify the details of your product and be particular on how the product is done in terms of stitching and sewing. In case you are not knowledgeable in this department, your underwear clothing manufacturer can assist you with the choice of the best type of seams and share their expertise and knowledge regarding the aspect of how to make custom men’s underwear.

It is also the time to source your fabrics and materials needed for your men’s underwear. Product costing will also come into play so that you now have an idea of the amount you need to make the custom men’s underwear and for determining the sales price. However, keep in mind all the details and product information accumulated at this point must all be noted in your tech pack. If there is a need to update the drawing files according to changes then now is the time to do so. Make sure your design files/tech pack always reflects the updates to materials.

Once the tech pack is finalized, you are now ready to make your custom men’s underwear. The tech pack will serve as your manufacturer’s basis when creating your underwear product in the clothing factory. This is the same reason why the tech pack is an integral part of manufacturing as mentioned above. After making the first sample, you should check it carefully. If you need to make changes, the modifications will all be updated in the tech pack for it to be applied during the next sampling process until the desired custom men’s underwear product is achieved.

Choosing Fabric for Men’s Underwear

The most popular fabric when it comes to making custom men’s underwear is cotton and cotton nylon blends. Its properties such as being breathable, highly absorbent and widely available makes it a popular choice as the go-to fabric for underwear clothing. However, the varieties of cotton available is a very wide spectrum wherein a certain type of cotton can greatly differ from another variety in terms of price and quality even though the properties are basically the same. You should also consider the thickness/GSM of the fabric. This article helps you the get an overview of how the technology and materials of underwear changed over time.

Most companies label their cotton fabric by giving them a specific name such as two-ply, Pima cotton, long staple cotton, Egyptian cotton and a lot more. Other cotton labels are even registered under their own trademarks. To choose for a cotton for your custom men’s underwear, always go for durability and not the softness of the cotton fabric. Always go for fabric with at least 90% cotton blends as this type of cotton always assure of comfortable and soft material for underwear clothing products. Exceptions are underwear for special occasions that might be made out of polyester or silk, similar to women’s lingerie.


There are other aspects of production you must think of after your custom men’s underwear has been mass produced such as packaging, labeling and marketing. However, the most important aspects are all covered under the design, develop and create protocol discussed in the sections above so that you can coordinate with your custom clothing manufacturer. This simple guide can get you very far to your goal of make your own custom men’s underwear line and maybe start your own business.

The post How to Make Custom Men’s Underwear appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Friday, 8 May 2020

How to Make Custom Swimwear

The cold season is over and in just a few months, summer season will be around the corner. By then, it’s the perfect time to hit the beach and strut your favorite swimwear. There is a large variety of swimwear available out there in the market today with many of style and type. However, compared to other types of clothing, the available styles are less numerous and less trendy. This gives you the opportunity to start your own custom clothing swimwear line. Swimwear is a crucial piece of clothing as it easily exposes your body so small differences can matter a lot to make it as flattering as possible. There are many stories of successful entrepreneurs starting their swimwear line with very limited investment.

How to make custom swimwear is actually easier said than done. Swimwear is one of those clothing products which seamstresses are intimidated to sew due to the fabric elasticity commonly used in swimwear. It also requires special types of fabrics that dry quickly. There are important tricks involved when making custom swimwear which clothing manufacturers need to know of in order to make sure there are no setbacks during the production process. If they do not have the right skills to deal with elastic fabric, then lead times can be affected or bad product outcomes occur. Make sure that you become familiar with the production process.

Production Process of Custom Swimwear

There are some some special aspects when it comes to the production process on how to make custom swimwear. However, the project steps are in principle the same as with any other clothing production processes. Design conception always comes first and then product development before hitting the production line for product creation. Product development usually takes up the most time since there is be back and forth with the coordination, the sample has to be made and modifications as well as reiterations have to be implemented.

Swimwear normally has comparatively straightforward cuts and the alterations mainly come in with colors and simple add-ons. The structure and designs are consistent or relative to each other. Design conception does not have to take much time when it comes to making custom swimwear. As long as you have a basic swimwear design in mind, it is easy to use this as a basis for later designs and simple tweaks and modifications of this current design can serve for future swimwear designs.

The most time-consuming part on how to make custom swimwear is the pre-production process. It is because this is where the most critical sub-processes in swimwear clothing production falls under. Tech pack creation, product costing and sourcing of materials are all part of pre-production process. Even though some of these sub-processes can be done altogether, the possible changes during sourcing of materials and tech pack finalizations may cause a delay as these may cause the tech pack to be continuously modified and updated.

When it comes down to product creation, the main phase is the sampling process. It is sometimes inevitable to do a resampling when the client is not satisfied with first custom swimwear sample. Corrections and modifications will then be made to make sure the next sample will be according to the client’s preferences and expectations. If the sampling requires two or more trials, then it means that there is something wrong with the coordination. Make sure to work with a clothing manufacturer that has clear process in place to make your beach wear.

Tips for Sewing & Fabric Choices for Custom Swimwear

The sewing process in the production line is arguably the most critical process in all of production. Lycra or Spandex is the most common fabric used for swimwear and this kind of fabric is best known for its elasticity. Swimwear is naturally designed to be body hugging or fitting which makes the fabric’s elasticity crucial to the design. If determined and handled correctly, how to make custom swimwear basically follows the standard clothing new product development process

When it comes to the swimwear’s lining, a different fabric is used which is preferably more elastic and lighter compared to the main fabric. You can still use lycra or Spandex but make sure you pick a variety which is more elastic and lightweight. The lycra fabric family have a lot of variants under its type and you can simply mishmash your choices depending on their use on the swimwear. Make sure to remember the lining fabric should be more elastic and light compared to the custom swimwear’s main fabric.

Elastic fabrics come in 2-way or 4-way stretch. The 2-way stretch stretches horizontally while 4-way stretch fabrics stretch both horizontally and vertically. It is important to be aware of the stretch type to be able to predict the fit of the swimwear and make sure it is not too loose nor too tight for its wearer despite the stretching factor. Keep in mind the fabric’s stretchability goes around the body and is not only limited to a certain section when using the same fabric everywhere.

For sewing tools, always use ballpoint pins and stretch needles since these tools are specifically designed for dealing with stretchable fabrics. For the thread, use polyester when sewing bathing suits or swimming trunks. The fabric is meant to be stretched a lot which also applies to the thread being used in the sewing process. Lastly, it is perfect if you have a serger or overlock machine which uses three or four threads for intertwined stitches perfect on how to make custom swimwear. When you follow these tips, there shouldn’t be many issues with creating your own swimwear clothing line. You can find so much inspiration on Instagram and on fashion pages such Vogue–just get started. 

The post How to Make Custom Swimwear appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Monday, 4 May 2020

How to Make Custom Hoodies

How to Achieve Quality Garment Printing

How to Achieve Quality Garment Printing

Custom clothing products have become a thing during the last decade since custom manufacturing is a lot more accessible. People don’t have to simply settle with generic designs and products available out there online, in shopping malls and supermarkets. All types of clothing be it shirts, pants, jackets, underwear etc. can now be custom made according to user’s design, preferences and specifications. One of the most heavily customized clothing product out there is the classic hoodie and in this article, we will thoroughly discuss how to make custom hoodies. Here is a good overview for the hoodie market with prices on Amazon.

Checking Your First Clothing Sample: What to look out for

Choose Your Fabric

A hoodie is a clothing product which is designed to keep the user warm with a mandatory hood covering the head and giving this product its name. The hood can be used or simply be pulled back. It can be enclosed by a zipper in the middle much like a jacket or can be worn like a regular shirt. Depending on how warm you like your custom hoodie to be, you can choose from thick stretch cotton, jersey material or fleece as the fabric of your custom hoodie project. Aside from the warmth the fabric can provide, you must also consider the weight of the fabric as consumers might want finer or rougher fabric depending on the design and purpose.

Cut Out the Hoodie Parts

A regular hoodie is basically made up of 8 to 12 fabric patches sewn together to form the product . As the wholesale clothing manufacturer, you need to have these parts laid out and cut them as the pieces from your main fabric material. The different hoodie parts are the following: (usually front, back, hood, sleeves, pocket, wrist band and waist band). You can choose to have an old hoodie to serve as a guide when cutting out these hoodie parts. It is easy to identify these parts based on the sewing lines when looking at a regular hoodie.

Clothing Product Development should follow certain proccess steps

Sewing Together the Hoodie Pieces

This is the most crucial stage of custom hoodie product development. To avoid recurring costs and material wastes, it is advisable to let professional clothing manufacturers sew your hoodie product for you. There are techniques and skills needed in sewing a hoodie properly and you may end up wasting your hoodie parts in case these techniques are not applied on the sewing process. There are different kind of seams that can be used and that have to be determined.

clothing sample manufacturer have to found and checked carefully

Adding the Trims

Once the hoodie parts are now sewn together, you can now add trims and other designs to your custom hoodie. The most common trims in hoodies are zippers and pockets. Zippers may be optional if your hoodie is designed to be worn much like a regular shirt. It is advisable to add a zipper as it gives the hoodie versatility in terms of how to wear it and as well as adjust the warmth it can give by keeping it unzipped. However, it will be more like a jacket.

Pockets are trims normally placed in front of the sweatshirt placed side by side. Pockets can keep the wearer’s hands warm while wearing the hoodie and can also keep items such as coins and keys. You can be playful when it comes to sewing your pockets in order to differentiate your design from traditional hoodies. Some even use a different fabric color for the pockets to alter the overall design of the custom hoodie.

manufacture custom clothes in time is important, it's called lead time

Adding a Customized Print or Embroidery

Most hoodies have their customized prints on the front or back side. These are empty and large spaces of fabric on the a hoodie which makes it a safe option as a canvas. However, you can also be creative enough and put the print on the front side of the hoodie but the printing method must be done before you add the zipper of the product to keep the print design intact. It will be difficult to print a design on the front end once the zipper is already in place unless it is simply a small print on the chest area. The same applies to embroideries that are more expensive to do but are also perceived as being of higher quality. Creative prints can get you a lot of attention, but also negative feedback when not thought through like as happened to H&M and the bullet hole hoodie.

Ultimate Guide on How to Sew Popular Types of Seams

Other Manufacturing Aspects on How to Make Custom Hoodies

Once your custom hoodie is ready, there are other aspects of custom manufacturing you need to consider before you can sell your product out there in the market. Product packaging is a no-brainer and you need to enclose the product in a safe packaging to protect the material from damage while being sold in the market. Having a stylish product packaging such as being economical-friendly is a huge plus since most consumers these days support environmental-friendly products.

Other factors such as logistics and labeling is also necessary as they are standard requirements for clothing products, including hoodies. For labeling, make sure you put care label tag within the hoodie along with other product information consumers need to know. With respect to logistics, make sure your custom hoodie passes quality control before being shipped to avoid expensive returns. Good luck in learning how to make custom hoodies. The best way is to learn by practise.

The post How to Make Custom Hoodies appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Friday, 1 May 2020

How to Make Custom Jackets

It is easy to purchase jackets online, in shopping malls and department stores but it can be very difficult to find a jacket which is perfect in sizing and style. Making custom clothes is an established approach in manufacturing and this includes jackets, sweaters and other clothing products which makes the concept of creating custom jackets a viable option. In fact, custom clothes manufacturing is one of the hottest business ideas out there today. This article covers the basics on how to make custom jackets. A custom jacket is a great way to start a business; there are many creative success stories like this one.

A jacket is a clothing item which can be used to provide warmth during the colder seasons. Others also use it as an accessory to give their look a formal appearance while there are some people who simply take advantage of jackets for the sense of an informal style (usually thin sports jackets worn open). If you intend to make custom jackets then make sure which type of jacket you like to work on. When designing custom jackets, focus on coming up with something unique and different because if it is basically the same as the ones available in shopping malls and supermarkets then the goal to make custom jackets is more difficult. You can also create more affordable versions of expensive jackets that are trending right now to get your business started.

Production Process of How to Make Custom Jackets

The initial process is to conceptualize a design for your custom jacket. When creating a design, always focus on the jacket’s functionality and not only focus on the physical design of the custom clothing project. You also need to consider the fabric to use since it is a huge factor to the overall design of the custom jacket. There are different varieties of fabrics to choose from and this should be an integral part of design conception. Nylon and polyester blends are common choices for the outside layer of the jacket, while more simple rain jackets only consist of one layer. The lining is as the inside layer is the other important fabric aspect that has to be determined. The desired thickness and waterproofness are crucial.

How to make a custom jacket primarily involves sewing for the most part. Sewing jackets is a straightforward work but can be critical to pull off and requires strategic planning for the individual parts. Any form of misstep can spell disaster to the entire project. The type of fabric you have chosen plays a big part to the sewing process and approach. If you are using fabrics such as denims or leather, the elasticity and thickness of these kinds of fabrics will be critical to the process since they need to be sewn perfectly according to custom fit and preferences. The materials have to work together.

6 Reasons Why Garment Manufacturing in China is Difficult
Working with Custom Jacket Manufacturers

You can always hire clothing manufacturers to work on your custom jackets in case you do not have the sewing skills and expertise for the project. The only things you have to secure is a jacket design and sketch it on the computer as a pre-production file. Include your specifications and other details of the product since this pre-production file will serve as your eventual professional tech pack for the custom clothing project. Good manufacturers are well-versed and experts when it comes to clothing manufacturing and you can simply trust them to do the rest of the production work as long as they have the tech pack. Coordination is required to get your requirements across though.

Discussing your custom jacket design with the manufacturer beforehand is compulsory. Feel free to accept advice and input from them so you can apply these details on to your tech pack. The manufacturers can also assist with fabric sourcing since they are more knowledgeable when it comes to fabrics. Instead of settling with the most common materials available out there, their knowledge and expertise can give you leverage to a wide selection of choices and varieties you can choose form. This is especially important for outdoor jackets and sports jackets where the performance of the material plays a huge role.

Once the tech pack is ready with all the details and specs, your custom jacket project is now ready for sampling. After you hand your tech pack to your manufacturer, you can expect a few weeks for your first sample to be ready. It is obvious the lead time in creating the sample depends on the simplicity or complexity of your custom jacket design. Also, you need to be in touch with your manufacturer during sampling stage to make sure they are on the right track and avoid further setbacks during the process.

When the first custom jacket sample is ready, you can now experience how your product looks and feels like. See for yourself whether the sample follows the preferences you have noted on the tech pack. If you feel unsatisfied of the product sample, then you need to make some changes, update the tech pack and eventually repeat the sampling process until desired results are achieved. Otherwise, if everything is perfect then your product is now ready for mass production.


Making a customized jacket simply follows the traditional method of creating manufactured clothes. The only difference is the complexities involved in terms of sewing and designing the product. The objective of the product mainly focuses on its functionality, fit and comfort while aspects such as aesthetics come in as a later afterthought. All of these factors combined work successfully in making a custom jacket. There is a lot of money in the jacket business as you learn from successful and established brands such as Moncler. Good luck on your first custom jacket project!

The post How to Make Custom Jackets appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.
