Sunday, 26 July 2020

How to Find the Right Plastic Injection Molder

Plastic manufacturing is complicated business and there are a lot of factors to consider if you choose to have a plastic injection molder you can partner with. You have to think of your plastic products, your industry and as well as your product requirements before you can conclude on a perfect plastic injection molder for you. Here are a few tips you need to consider on how to find the right plastic injection molder for your plastic business.

Choosing the Right Plastic Injection Molder

1. Volume Capacity

There are around 16,000 injection molding companies in the US alone, this makes it hard for you to choose the best one for your plastic business. In fact, it is much better to look beyond your native land and seek overseas. Choosing the right plastic injection molder is by selecting them through your volume and size requirements. Once they pass your standards then you are able to narrow down your options and make the process easier.

Going for a potential plastic molding company with low to moderate volume is perfect if you want to test a plastic part right away. Low to moderate volume molders is perfect for orders which do not require hundreds or thousands of plastic parts. They usually specialize in small-sized molds which are part/s of a bigger product and not single-handedly create all components needed for a particular project.

2. Compliance with Specifications

Your potential plastic injection molder must have the right experience and knowledge to finish your plastic products without sacrificing product specifications. In case they are not capable to comply certain plastic product requirements, they must be able to suggest or recommend a better approach to satisfy your product needs. Your plastic injection molder’s input and advice will be helpful to save time and money from the design and development process of the plastic product.

3. Varied Services and Technology Advancement

Always look for a plastic injection molder which is able to offer a wide array of services and not only limited to plastic injection molding. This means your potential plastic injection molder can give advice towards product designs, mold flow analysis and parts designs development. It is also a huge plus if your plastic injection molder avails of the latest technology and software needed in the industry not only to improve your service but also lessen the environmental risks which come with plastic manufacturing.

raw pallets for plastic injection molding.

4. Quality & Efficiency

Your potential plastic injection molder must promise to give you top quality products at an efficient rate. I know this statement asks too much from a plastic manufacturing company but it is a statement which must be predicted of people who are providing such service/s. Quality and efficiency work hand in hand and missing on either of the factor can reflect to the service provision bigtime. A plastic injection molder must be able to produce high quality plastic products at an efficient rate. You can also read this link on injection molding evolution for more info.

5. Product Application

The use of your product is critical to your business function as a plastic manufacturer. Your audience have to understand the spectrum of your plastic product and how it can affect or impact the market once it hits the stores nationwide. There are a lot of circumstances which comes with product issues and your plastic product has to justify its need and overcome the predicament why the need for such product has to be present in the market today. Your product’s purpose offsets all the other restrictions which can come along the lack of recommendation.

6. Lead Time

Molds creation can range from a month up to three months depending on the complexity of the plastic design. This does not include shipping processes, possible factory delays, modifications etc. It is important to note of a potential plastic injection molder’s lead time performance to apply it towards your plastic business project. This way, you can be up to date towards your calendar and avoid time constraints in case things go awry. Delays can be inevitable but open communication lines helps between customer and client to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements towards the project.

Can’t Find the Right Company Yet?

It is not surprising to have unique wants and needs out of a plastic injection company. The process itself is already complex and the factors surrounding the business concept needs hands-on approach and extensive knowledge. If you try to consider all of the tips mentioned above on how to find the right plastic injection molder then the process is made simpler and more convenient. You can easily streamline the process by being noted of the positive qualities you are looking for.

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Thursday, 23 July 2020

Different Methods for Manufacturing Plastic Products

Plastic products are part of our daily lives and they can be seen everywhere from our homes, offices, parks, malls etc. Even though plastic objects are everywhere in our environment, a lot of people do not really know how these products get manufactured. The plastic industry is a complex one but it is much better to add up to our stock knowledge. In this article, let us discover the 7 different methods for manufacturing plastic products and you can also check out other industry related topics here.

Process of manufacturing plastic products.

7 Plastic Manufacturing Methods

1. Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic injection molding is accountable for more than 75% of plastic products we see out there today and is the most popular way of manufacturing plastic products. It is the process of using molds or die made out of aluminum or stainless steel to create plastic. The mold consists of a cavity side and core side and is placed into the injection molding machine. Plastic material is molten and injected into the empty cavity of the mold. Under great hydraulic pressure, the plastic part is ejected out of the mold once it cooled and hardened. The plastic injection molding method is hugely popular among manufacturing companies because of its capability to produce thousands of plastic parts at once.

2. Rotational Molding (Roto)

Rotational molding or commonly known as roto molding is a plastic manufacturing method which also uses mold with a core and cavity side but follows a different process compared to injection molding. Plastic material is poured into the empty cavity and heated inside an oven. The mold is constantly rotated by two axes while gravity makes sure the plastic remains on the tool walls to build up the right amount of thickness. The part is allowed to cool before the tool gets opened and have the part removed.

3. Injection Blow Molding

Plastic manufacturers use gas pressure to force molten plastic into the mold with injectiion blow molding. This method is commonly used to create plastic bottles. Plastic material used for this method are usually PET (polyethelene terephthalate) or PEEK (polyether-ether-ketone) due to their clarity and is known to be safe to use for consumables. Both types of plastic are also easy to recycle which is a plus for the companies who intend to use the plastic bottles.

4. Extrusion Blow Molding

Extrusion blow molding uses parison which is molten plastic in the form of a balloon and is placed into a dual-piece clam-type mold. Once the mold is sealed, the parison is inflated until it fills the empty cavity of the mold. The sides are water-cooled so the plastic quickly hardens and can easily be ejected. Extrusion blow molding is best used to create plastic cups, small or regular-sized plastic containers and plastic bottles.

5. Reaction Injection Molding (RMI)

This type of plastic manufacturing method is best used to produce rigid plastic parts. The automotive industry is the biggest gainer of the RMI method since it is commonly used to create plastic vehicle parts such as dashboards, bumpers, stepping boards etc. It uses thermosetting plastic which undergoes a chemical reaction inside the mold causing them to expand and fill the cavity of the mold. Once the chemical reaction is complete, the plastic part take its final form. RMI is relatively considered to be an expensive plastic manufacturing option due to the material and intensive labor involved.

6. Vacuum Casting

Vacuum casting is ideal to create numerous plastic parts without a big capital for tools and plastic material. A 3D prototype of the product is enough to jumpstart this plastic manufacturing process which is then placed into a sealed box filled with silicone or urethane. Once the 3D image model is removed, a cavity is formed and that can be filled with plastic resin to resemble the original model. Vacuum pressure is applied to take out air of the mold.  However, plastic parts made out of this aren’t durable and can degrade after a few production processes.

7. Thermoforming

This process is much like vacuum casting except plastic is placed over a die which is heated until it becomes pliable. The plastic material is stretched on the surface while vacuum pressure is constantly applied to pull the sheet down until it takes its final shape. This method can be done with a rudimentary approach and different products can be expected off of it but you cannot expect top quality results compared to the other methods mentioned beforehand.


The following plastic manufacturing methods mentioned above are the most commonly used by plastic factories while plastic injection molding rules them all. However, there are variations to the processes since some companies try to enhance or modify the methods in order to cut down on resources and expenses as well as improve plastic production lead time needed to produce top quality plastic. The different methods for manufacturing plastic products still remain true to its course and the descriptions above are still applicable to this point.

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Contact Form – Garment – Underwear

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Thanks for your inquiry!\u00a0Please click below to schedule a call:<\/p>\r\n


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Contact Form – Garment – Underwear appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Underwear Manufacturing

The post Underwear Manufacturing appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Garments Main Page

Garments Main Page

Garment Manufacturing Services for Your Clothing Line

Want to start a clothing line but have low quantities?

We help to build your clothing brand!

We designed the Garments Production Package to suit small businesses, startups and newcomers to the clothing production industry to help getting them exactly what they need. Our professional Garments Production Package takes care of people who want to develop their own clothing line and make the best garment product.

The garment manufacturing process has so many details: cuts, colors and material are all customizable parts of apparel production development. Our apparel manufacturing companies create themselves new and standard designs. This makes it both cheaper and gives you limitless garment production options to choose from. Avoid the pitfalls of starting a new wholesale garment production line and work with us—a proven clothing production company.

Our Clothing Factories Partner With

HM logo garments solution - Intrepid sourcing
HM logo garments solution - Intrepid sourcing
HM logo garments solution - Intrepid sourcing

Why Our Garment Production Package?

Choosing the right clothing manufacturers to lower costs!

You don’t need to know much about apparel production to get started, because we help you with the technical side of the clothing manufacturing process. Just provide us with some basic sketches or a design file. Then our clothing production experts will guide you through the necessary steps to make custom clothing. From creating your private label design files to coordinating with the clothing manufacturers, we mostly do everything.

Afterward, samples are created reflecting the perfect garment production process for your idea. You don’t have to look into how to find a custom clothing manufacturer, because we bundle small orders and work with several mass production companies for clothing. It is our particular strength to be your small quantity clothing manufacturer. Our garment manufacturing process seamlessly integrates your idea into a professional production line at the best garment factories and suppliers.

How You Get Your Clothing Product

1. Develop a Concept

We only need a sketch based on your ideas; you can send a hand drawing, reference product or digital image for better visualization. Together, we discuss your product to make sure we get it right already with the first low MOQ order.

2. Create a Tech Pack

We come up with a professional design file for your custom clothing, commonly referred to as Tech Pack. This will include the designs, colors, and materials of the requested item. We compile a list of all the materials that are needed by fashion manufacturers to realize the garment.

3. Get a Cut Sheet

We determine the length, width and height for all parts of the requested item. Different sizes and designs require attention to detail so that the apparel manufacturing companies have precise instructions. Put everything on paper and soon turn it into a product to become a vendor!

4. Sample it!

It’s time you receive a reward! We give a free swatch book and money towards samples with your first order! Enjoy a visualization of your apparel product and test your fashion manufacturing idea!

5. Make the Product

After you decide on the perfect sample, we are ready to integrate the design into the production line at the garment factory for mass production. We watch upon the custom clothing production process to secure as well as manage it.

6. Quality Control

We inspect each bulk production batch at the clothing manufacturing company for any possible issues. We want you to deliver a perfect wholesale clothing product and we are helping you achieve it.

Pay As You Go With Our Clothing Solution

Design Phase

For Tech Packs
$ 97 per design
  • Fashion Design Files with Fabrics
  • Product Review
  • Instant Access to Our Client Portal

Pre-Production Phase

For Samples
$ 97 per sample
  • Custom Sample
  • Fabric Swatch
  • Cut Sheet (Non-standard sizing $75)

Production Phase

For Reorders
$ 97 per order
  • Finalize & Oversee Production
  • Quality Control
  • Logistics Report

Frequently Asked Questions

In general, we can accommodate order sizes as low as 10 clothing pieces despite that this is not sourcing but custom production. We understand the needs of a small business or startup regarding a low MOQ and small batch or quantity production. Our full package production (FPP clothing) is suitable for everyone, also if you are just looking for private label clothing manufacturers. We work with you until you can increase your orders and become a wholesale clothing supplier!

It takes 5-7 days to get your two reports after you get us the necessary information we need. The cost estimate is important to build your own clothing brand in the long-run. Once you sign up, we’ll send you a welcome aboard email with questions and information we’ll need to proceed with the reports. Whether underwear, socks, T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, custom shirts, dresses, jackets or coats, we will get you the documentation you need.

We work with clothing manufacturers and garment factories in Asia, USA and Mexico. Depending on your speed, materials, and price points, we will recommend where wholesale custom clothing manufacturing should take place. Overseas clothing manufacturers are often a good choice, especially when you need affordable clothing manufacturers for small orders. Contact us and we’ll go over your bulk clothing supplier & garment production company options.

Our designs are affordable. We charge $97 for an additional tech-pack. Contact us and we’ll review your design options, also regarding small batches and small orders for each design of your custom clothes. As your garment production company, we help you to develop a feasible plan from startup to an entire fashion line. Some larger wholesale clothing suppliers are doing tech packs for entire collections with us and narrow down the best clothing designs for mass production.

Yes, we can provide any type of fabric including organic cotton, fabric from bamboo and similar natural & certified blends as well as recycled fibers. Sustainable clothing manufacturing is important to us and we are happy when clients want to go down this route. We only source sustainable fabric from certified organic clothing suppliers and double check the material again before it is used.

Contact Us Now for a Free Consult!


The post Garments Main Page appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Sunday, 19 July 2020

How Plastic Manufacturing Process Works: The Step-by-Step Approach

We all are aware of the term “plastic”. It is an essential part of our daily lives, but do you know how plastic products are made? Plastic is made up of natural organic material like crude oil, cellulose, natural gas, coal, and salt through a polymerization procedure. This article is going to provide you significant knowledge about all major aspects you need to know regarding plastic manufacturing operations.

There has been high plastic demand observed from the last few decades. Due to this excessive demand, the plastic industry generates more than 300 million tons of plastic each year. Amazingly, every year, around 500 million single-use plastic bags are used by people in the world.

Plastic products are part of every home, office, hospitals, and industry. Plastic features like durability, unbreakable material, portability, and lightweight quality make it a favorite among all users. Tons of plastic objects are produced to create bottle caps, medical equipment, toys, containers, plastic bags, car bumpers, bottles, electronics, packaging, and kitchen utensils, etc.

Multiple plastic manufacturing methodologies are now accessible for plastic part assembling. Every plastic manufacturer tries to choose the best plastic assembling technique that fits according to its desired product niche, quality, and quantity cost, and company objectives.

The plastic manufacturing process requires efficient expertise to build quality products. The skilled operations include handling of chemicals, filament, lubricants, equipment, machinery temperatures, inventory management, and plastic molding tools. In the current environmental condition, it is necessary for all plastic industry to working according to quality and sustainability guidelines instructed by the government authorities.

Image taken during the plastic manufacturing process.

Types of Methods Used In Plastic Manufacturing Process

Plastic objects can be built by using multiple procedures. Each methodology has unique feature and specialties. Every method has different lead-time, cycle time, setup cost, form, cost per unit, and volume. Some techniques take more time in production some take less.

The most popular and widely used methods are;

  • Blow Molding
  • CNC Machining
  • Vacuum Forming
  • Polymer Casting
  • Injection Molding
  • 3D Printing
  • Extrusion
  • Rotational Molding

The selection of manufacturing method depends on what you want to create? Some methods only produce the same repetitive custom plastic designs and some methods have the ability to make distinct and creative designs. A business owner can make both lightweight and heavyweight products.

In present times, 3D printing technology is considered as the most efficient way of producing maximum creative plastic parts in less time, with minimum error and waste. It builds 3D design on computers and its prototyping physical sample feature help is retaining money.

As someone interested in the industry, you need to check out these trends and news on the plastic industry the past few days.

What Kind Of Plastic Used In Plastic Production?

Mostly 92% of thermoplastic plastic is used in the plastic market. Several common and specialized kind of plastic is utilized in the plastic fabrication process mentioned below:

  • Silicon
  • Polystyrene (PS)
  • Polyethylene (PE)
  • Polycarbonate (PC)
  • Polyurethane (PU)
  • Polyester (PES)
  • Phenol-Formaldehyde (PF)
  • Nylon or Polyimides (PA)
  • Melamine Formaldehyde (MF)
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), etc.

Products produced out of plastic manufacturing process.

Series of Steps in Plastic Manufacturing Process

Let’s have a brief look on step-by-step procedure about how plastic is assembled in the factory;

Raw Material Extraction

The first step in the production of plastic objects is extracting the raw material that is derived from natural gas or refined crude oil. The drilling is done by heavy machinery to take out raw material from the underground.

The collected raw material is sent through the pipes for the refinery process. To make pellets of pure plastic, heating of oil and gas is performed. After that refined polyethylene chain are integrated which is called polymerization to get god clarified plastic.

Setting & Preparation of Mold & Printers

In the next phase, molds are prepared according to the desired design of plastic products. The settings of molds and printers tools are the most significant step, as they help to produce objects according to specification.  They are adjusted manually or sometimes by robotics. The heated & melted plastic is then injected into these molds to give shape. It is important to control the temperature of plastic heating during the melting process.

Main Technical Processing

This major practical step contains the mass production of parts by using specialized machines. The master processing includes multiple activities depending on what type of methodology is implemented for assembling of plastic;

  • Blow Molding: A heated plastic tube is blown to make hollow plastic parts. It is popular for making plastic bottles, toys, and automotive components.
  • CNC Machining: CNC stands for Computer numerical control. The CNC is a subtractive process that involves grinding, cutting, boring, and drilling of solid plastic blocks, rods, and bars.
  • Vacuum Forming: Variety of plastic shapes ii formed by vacuum forming method. In vacuum forming plastic is heated, stretched over the mold surface, and then vacuum force is applied.
  • Polymer Casting: The resin is liquefied by heat. The melted rubber is filled closed in the mold and curd at room temperature. After cooling cured plastic is pulled out from the mold.
  • Injection Molding: Molten thermoplastic is poured into the mold and pressed by shot chamber through a screw.
  • 3D Printing: It creates a three-dimensional physical model of objects with the help of a computerized printer.
  • Extrusion: Extrusion means applying pressure or force on the die to form a shape
  • Rotational Molding: Rotational plastic crates hollow plastic products by rotating on two axes.

Cooling & Removal of Plastic

Once the plastic parts are formed they are de-molded after cooling down. The solid part is ejected and sent for final processing.

Finishing & Testing of Parts

In the end, solid parts are painted, sprayed, and the final color coating is done. Smooth finishing is performed manually or by automatic machines. After that, quality control procedures are executed and damaged products are discarded.  Final products are packed and shipped to retailers.

The post How Plastic Manufacturing Process Works: The Step-by-Step Approach appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.


Thursday, 16 July 2020

How to Find a Custom Jackets Manufacturer

Jackets are always an ideal product to manufacture because of its popularity in the market. Even if they are not relatively cheap compared to shirts and other clothing items, they still rake sales because of their purpose. Customers need jackets during winter or the cold season. Others may also use it as an accessory to boost their look. These reasons make custom jackets manufacturing a good business option.

If you are into custom jackets manufacturing then it is obvious your biggest challenge is how to find a custom jackets manufacturer. Sure there are a lot of suppliers and manufacturers out there, but being able to find someone who is perfect for your business needs is quite a challenge. There are a lot of things you have to tightly consider on how to find a custom jackets manufacturer. In this article, let us discuss them one by one.

find custom jackets manufacturer

Things to Consider when Finding a Custom Jackets Manufacturer

There are several things you need to check before being able to say you got the right manufacturer for your custom jackets. Since you are manufacturing a specific type of clothing product in the form of custom jackets, the first thing you have to ask is the manufacturer’s capability of producing your jacket designs. It can be a huge plus if the potential manufacturer you have chosen specialize in this type of clothing product. Otherwise, the knowledge and ability to create custom jackets can also suffice. You can also check this great article on the latest manufacturing trend.

Aside from the ability to produce custom jackets, it is also important to know and understand their standards and business practices. These factors definitely adhere whether they are perfect for your clothing line or not. In case your own standards and quality level contradict their own, then it may be hard for both of you to agree with results at the end of the production line. What may be good enough for them may not qualify to your standards and this is not ideal in business relations.

The next thing you have to do is to dig deep to validate their credibility as a clothing manufacturer. You do not have to go too far in doing this since you can simply check via the internet to check on their reputation as a clothing manufacturer. By visiting their official website or social media accounts, you can get to see testimonials and feedbacks for their past and current works. In case there are negative comments, this can be a sign of bad ethics and unprofessionalism which can serve as red flags to hiring them.

You also have to ask of their MOQ (minimum order quantity) to make sure they are willing to work for you despite having small batch of orders. If this custom jackets project is a startup business, you do not want to invest on something big right away. You might as well test the market first and see how people respond to your custom jackets. If they stir some interest in the market, then that is when you are advisable to go for wholesale clothing suppliers and order for large quantities. Still, it is advisable to gradually increase your orders and slowly move up from the MOQ.

You have to remember a supplier or manufacturer’s service is not only limited to product construction or following what your custom jacket tech pack instructs them to do. As an industry professional, their services must also include giving inputs and advice on your clothing project. Even though the client always have the final say to product development, it is always welcome for the supplier or manufacturer to provide suggestions and comments on the project. As someone who have been in the industry longer than the client is, their expertise and knowledge is an added attribute to the entire custom jackets manufacturing project.

Last but not the least, you have to ask of their manufacturing service fee along with other fees accumulated during the production run. It is a must for them to be transparent with all the fees so you will not be surprised later on if there are undeclared charges from the project. Be noted some manufacturers usually charge high with small orders and subsequently go cheaper as your order increases. Make sure you find a supplier/manufacturer which fits right on to your budget and is understandable of your financial capabilities.


The following factors mentioned above are the things you have to tightly consider on how to find a custom jackets manufacturer. There may be additional factors but the aforementioned ones are the most important in the book. Feel free to add anything since it is a must to be keen when hiring a custom jackets manufacturer anyway, the strict you become means better chances of being able to land the perfect supplier/manufacturer for your project.

The post How to Find a Custom Jackets Manufacturer appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing & Services.
