Brand marketing has become a totally different process these days compared to how it was decades ago. The resurgence of different services and platforms completely changed the marketing landscape and business have no choice but to adapt to ever changing marketing schemes. Industry giants are now disrupted by modern technologies and products that once dominated the industry are now shared with several small competitors. Everyone can work with white and private label manufacturers these days.
Despite the evolution of marketing and consumerism, one thing which hasn’t changed is the supermarket shelf. Even though e-commerce and online shopping severely changed the shopping landscape, traditional stores will not go out of style any time soon and still remains as the natural option for most consumers. There are items which you will only like to pick personally instead of purchasing them online–and that is at least partially influenced by the attractive custom product packaging.
Due to the stability of the supermarket shelf, custom packaging has stayed relevant as a major consideration with regards to marketing. If you want your product to easily catch the attention of consumers (also online!), then you need to have excellent custom product packaging and let your product standout in a crowded supermarket shelf. In this wiki article, we will help you how to differentiate your product through custom private label packaging.
1. Be unique
You may have heard of this tip a hundred times before but it stays forever on this type of lists due to its effectiveness. Coming up with an original product is so hard these days since most product ideas have already been conceptualized. However, you can always choose to innovate and come out as different from other competitors with the packaging and marketing.
In the world of white label/private label manufacturing, it is inevitable to market a product which somehow resembles a fellow product in the market. The best way for you to set apart from competitors despite having similar products is through custom retail packaging. Take advantage of dynamic software applications and digital printing technology to come up with unique custom packaging for your products.
There are software programs out there which allows you to experiment on different styles, texts, patterns and themes in order to come up with a personalized packaging design perfect for your product. You do not have to settle with a standard or generic custom packaging design since these specialized software programs will allow you to personalize and efficiently experiment with custom packaging designs with less time or without superb graphic design skills.
2. Do not be afraid to experiment or be out of the norm
Since your initial goal is to be unique in order to set your white/private label product apart from contemporaries, you should not stick to what tradition says. Never be afraid to experiment and come up with something weird yet different compared to other similar products of what you are trying to sell. You do not really have to overdo experimentation but by going for different materials, colors and finish can already get the job done when it comes to custom packaging experimentation.
For example, if you are trying to sell a soda or beverage product, you can expect your contemporaries to be using bright colors and wide fonts on their private label packaging to promote a refreshing or cool vibe. You can try doing the opposite instead in order to attract attention and provoke interest from potential customers. Imagine your product with dark aesthetics as a custom packaging design sitting alongside similar products with exactly the opposite custom retail packaging. Guess whose product will catch attention and stand out as a refreshing drink custom packaging-wise?
3. Interact with customers through custom packaging
Allow your custom product packaging to tell a story and be creative enough to provoke interaction from customers. This factor will further improve customers’ purchasing experience and allow your brand to connect with them in an intimate manner. There are a lot of interactive custom packaging possibilities one can think of and you should not limit yourself with custom product packaging but you can also apply it on your custom product boxes.
The most common interactive custom private label packaging options are smart packaging, scannable packaging and AR packaging. You can also take advantage of these custom packaging options to guide your customers and introduce them to your website or mobile app once they scan your products. You can try to be informative and give health & safety tips in support of your product for this tip. Some brands also use games and other gimmicks simply to provoke interaction between their brand and the customers.
Also check out sustainable packaging options. This might be the thing that brings you closer to your customer and it’s a good thing to do anyway.
4. Do not be too serious
Most of the time, custom private label packaging is only beneficial to your brand based on how it stores the product and most especially aesthetics. Other than that, it will be bound to the trash bin once the product is used or consumed. Try to have fun in creating your private label packaging and custom product boxes instead of treating them as simply garbage-bound. You can do this by thinking of a packaging option which can be reusable or be used for other purposes. This should be considered early on for your product development.
A good example for this has to be the custom packaging design for numerous potato chips in elongated tumblers. Even after eating all the potato chips, most customers do not throw away the tumblers since they can be used as containers, pencil cases or as a storage box. The marketing scheme lives on even after the product has been consumed through the custom packaging design which has been saved by the customer.
It is often overlooked but custom private label packaging can sometimes serve as the make or break for a product to succeed. However, backing it up with actual product quality and functionality will complete the real deal. Following the tips mentioned above will definitely help differentiate your product from its contemporaries. The Amazon forum can also help here. You would not want your product to be one of the pack but rather stand out from the rest of the competition.
The post Custom Private Label Packaging: 4 Tips to Stand Out With Your Product appeared first on Intrepid Sourcing and Services.
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