Sunday, 28 October 2018

6 Reasons why having a Logo is Important

Feasibility study shows startup businesses with logos are more notable compared to small businesses who don’t have any logos for their company. The same feasibility study also shows the formers are more profitable which means it is more likely their business will survive in the long run. Having a logo is often overlooked by most companies because the business owners are too focused on the financial aspect of the venture.

feasibility study white label feasibility study - Intrepid Sourcing

Here are a few reasons why having a logo is important for your company.
  1. Leaves a lasting impression
Good impressions do last and this saying holds true in the aspect of business. Regardless of the industry your business is in, you are not alone, and you will have competitors. The first noticeable thing of your brand is your logo and if you leave a good impression to your customers then they can easily recognize and remember the logo in the future. Your logo is key to have recurring customers and have a good pool of leads.
  1. Images are catchier than text
It is already proven wherein people absorb images faster than text. This only means logos register in people’s minds compared to slogans or marketing texts. This goes to show people recognize brands easier through a design compared to slogans and other marketing texts.
  1. Having logos shows professionalism
It should be a no-brainer customers see companies and brands with logos as professionals. It does not really have to be a great logo but if you have one, it means you are serious with business and you have no time for playing around and all transactions only mean a customer-business relationship.
  1. Consistency in all platforms
We already live in a world wherein marketing comes in multiple platforms, be it television, print, social media, and traditional methods. Because of these multiple platforms, having a logo will make it easier for your brand to stand out and be recognizable even if your marketing schemes come in different platforms. This means your marketing campaign on Facebook will have an effect in traditional or any other means simply because the logo you displayed will be recognized as the same brand offering such service.
  1. Stand out of the rest
Simply put, your logo will help you set yourself apart from your counterparts. In an industry where competition it tough, it is important to have your own identity and your company logo will give you individuality which will set yourself apart from the others. Your brand will be remembered and noticed but at the same time separated from your competitors even if you offer the same type of products or services.
  1. Cement professional identity
Once you have a business logo, the logo belongs to the company and is part of your business ownership. Even if the venture will not become a success, in the long run, the same logo belongs to the company and will die down with the business. This will also make it easier for the business to strike a second run in the future since you already have established a professional identity your past customers already recognize.
If your business still does not have a logo, then you should consider having one as soon as possible. Further feasibility studies have already proven its worth to a company and allotting some money on it is proven to be a good expense. Having a logo should be considered as a business asset and not simply an additional expenditure for the company.

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